Flowering landscape trees are the crown jewels of the yard.
Perhaps no other plants, individually, can have as great an
impact on how a yard looks in spring. Browse the articles to
which I've linked below for information on particular varieties
of flowering landscape trees. Pictures are included.
Crape Myrtles: Landscape Trees of the South
A popular choice in flowering landscape trees for Southerners,
crape myrtles have a long blooming period (mid-summer to
fall). The blooming clusters of these flowering landscape trees
come in pink, white, red and lavender. The clusters appear on
the tips of new wood. Northerners can sometimes get away
with treating these flowering landscape trees as perennials
that die back in winter but come back in spring.
Not all specimens with a weeping habit are flowering
landscape trees, but this article looks at several weeping
varieties that do bloom, headed by four types of cherry.
Saucer Magnolias
The size and shape of the blooms are what suggested the
common name for these flowering landscape trees. Want a
specimen with a brilliant bloom as big as a saucer? Access
information on these beauties here.
Rose of Sharon
Although some people think of it as a landscape "tree"
(because it gets tall and can be pruned so as to have a single
trunk), rose of sharon is, in fact, a flowering shrub. The fact
that it blooms relatively late -- and for a long time -- makes it
a valuable plant for those looking to distribute their yard's
color display throughout the growing season.
Top 10 List of Flowering Landscape Trees and Shrubs for
Spring |
This article features information on ten flowering landscape
trees and shrubs that brighten our spring seasons. Included
are redbud, callery pear and crabapple.
Hawthorn: Late-Blooming Landscape Trees
This article offers information on Washington hawthorn trees,
which are perhaps most valued for the time at which they
bloom (late spring to early summer). Many of the popular
flowering specimens bloom earlier in the spring, and while
their blossoms are pleasant sights for eyes sore from winter's
barrenness, they desert us too quickly!
Sunday, June 21, 2020
7 Useful tips to improve your image
Most of us like to look good and why not this is how we can attract the opposite sex. Very few are born with a natural look but that does not mean that others can’t look good. There are certain things that need to be taken into consideration to improve your image.
7 Useful tips that can help you improve your image
1. You need to take good skin care: Good skin care is easy. Soap or lotion and moisturizing are the two main ways of improving the look of your skin. Our skin runs pat dry due to lack of water especially during the winter season. You need to have at least eight to ten glasses of water everyday to moisturize your skin. It’s very important to protect your skin from the harmful ultra violet ray of the sun. Pick a moisturizer with sun protection because sun damage is the main factor that ages skin.
7 Useful tips that can help you improve your image
1. You need to take good skin care: Good skin care is easy. Soap or lotion and moisturizing are the two main ways of improving the look of your skin. Our skin runs pat dry due to lack of water especially during the winter season. You need to have at least eight to ten glasses of water everyday to moisturize your skin. It’s very important to protect your skin from the harmful ultra violet ray of the sun. Pick a moisturizer with sun protection because sun damage is the main factor that ages skin.
2. Acne: One of the best ways to treat spots and acne treatments would be to use appropriate creams, soaps, cleansers and medications. It would be advisable to change products if you feel they are not working for your skin. If nothing works you can try antibiotics and specialized creams to get rid of them.
3. Body Odor: No one likes bad odor and we are surely you too. One of the best ways to get rid of body odors is by having regular showers and wash. You could also try out Anti precipitants and deodorants spray to regulate your odor and sweat.
4. Hair Cut: Workout on the look of your hair. Discuss with your beautician a haircut which can go with your image. Use a shampoo that is appropriate for your hair type and makes your hair look good.
5. Balanced diet: It’s very important to have a balanced diet to stay healthy. Your balanced diet should consist of fruits and vegetables. A proper balance diet keeps you healthy and improved your skin and hair. Avoid excessive fast food intakes.
6. Exercise: Workout is important. You need to exercise regularly to remain fit throughout the day. Join a gym or sports club can encourage you to exercise.
7. Clothing” You need to wear neat and clean clothes to look smart and trendy. Take care of your teeth’s and have a regular mouth wash. Keep you nails clean and avoid biting them. Also change your socks and underwear’s regularly.
Saturday, June 20, 2020
7 Steps To Control Childhood Asthma
Asthma is the most common chronic (long-term) childhood disease. In America about nine million children are diagnosed with asthma. Up to ten per cent of children in Europe are also suffering from asthma symptoms. Unfortunately parents of these children are often uninformed about the various ways to control childhood asthma.
If you suspect your child has asthma the first priority is correct diagnosis. However, be aware that symptoms can vary from episode to episode and not all wheezing and coughing is caused by asthma. Asthma-like symptoms in children younger than five are usually due to a virus or bacterial infection of the airways. However if your child is experiencing breathing difficulties it is best to get them to a doctor whatever the cause.
About eighty per cent of children who develop asthma do so before the age of five. Studies show that children living in rural areas have lower rates of asthma than those who live in cities, particularly if they spent their first five years in a rural area. For children living in inner cities the cockroach allergen seems to worsen asthma symptoms more than dust mite or pet allergens. Therefore another important step in the control of your child's asthma is to ensure that general cleaning and maintenance routines are followed to ensure cockroaches are not encouraged into the home. Levels of cockroach allergens have been found to be highest in high-rise apartments.
Another factor that has been linked to the development of asthma in children is exposure to smoke. A study in Norway showed that almost ten per cent of adult asthma patients had experienced passive smoking during early childhood. Therefore another step to take at home is to ensure that your child is not exposed to tobacco smoke.
If your doctor recommends the use of medication the next step is to encourage your child to take the medicine. Asthma is one of the main causes for emergency room visits by children. Yet studies have shown that up to half of these hospitalizations may be preventable if children, particularly teenagers, followed their medication schedule correctly, avoided their asthma triggers and made regular visits to the doctor.
Perhaps fear of side effects or dependency, or an impression that it is uncool to be seen taking medicines is preventing children taking their medication as regularly as they should. Perhaps intermittent asthma symptoms persuade children and their parents that it is not important to take medication if there are no symptoms. This is a mistake. Even when there are no obvious symptoms an asthmatic’s lungs will be inflamed to some degree.
The fact that the condition seems to run in families with a history of asthma or allergies suggests that certain people are born with a predisposition to asthma. Some may believe you are born with the condition and there is nothing you can do. However a child’s environment can also play an important role. Studies have found that exposure to potential allergens like pets and pollen in the first six months of life may reduce the chance of developing asthma later. However exposure beyond six months of age has the opposite effect. Being born into a family that already has siblings also seems to reduce the chance of developing asthma.
It is known that children are more susceptible to viral and allergic triggers than adults. An important step in controlling your child's asthma is identifying the triggers and teaching your child how to recognize their asthma triggers and avoid them. One possible trigger is ibuprofen, with over 100,000 children susceptible to asthma symptoms brought on by the drug.
Children tend to spend more time outside during the summer vacation. If pollen or high levels of ozone trigger your child’s asthma you need to monitor these. Physical exercise is a common trigger of childhood asthma. Teach your child to take medication if necessary, and do warm up exercises before strenuous activity and wind down exercises after.
If your child is going away to camp during the vacation make sure those in charge are aware of your child’s asthma management and action plans. There are camps designed specifically for asthma sufferers in the U.S. and Canada.
It is essential to have a written action plan that clearly states what medication to take and when, as well as how to respond to an asthma attack. You or your child may not remember what to do at a time when it may be difficult for them to breathe, so it is essential to have the important details in writing.
It is important you and your child remain calm during an attack as panic can produce more breathing difficulties. A parent’s instinct may be to cuddle their child, but that would constrict the chest further.
If asthma is diagnosed your next step is to inform your child’s school. Every school should allow access to asthma medication and some allow children to carry and self-administer their asthma medication if certain requirements are met.
Whilst we’re talking about schools here’s one often overlooked childhood asthma trigger. School buses are major sources of pollution, and studies show children who ride them are exposed to five to fifteen times as much asthma triggering particulates inside the buses compared to outside. New Jersey recently passed a law requiring retrofitting of school buses and municipal vehicles to clean up tailpipe emissions. Is your state doing the same?
Remember, if asthma is confirmed you need to educate yourself. According to the experts knowledge is the best prescription. To stop the disease affecting your child’s life you need to know how to monitor and manage asthma. This will mean knowing how to use medications correctly, whether your child’s attacks are triggered by allergens and if so how to reduce exposure to them, and the lifestyle changes that will help your child prevent attacks.
Despite being a widespread disease there are still plenty of myths about asthma. One of the most damaging of these for children is the belief that the condition will improve every seven years or can even disappear completely. Unfortunately, any apparent improvement is probably due to hormonal changes as the child’s immune system matures. The underlying condition does not go away and not managing it can lead to long-term lung damage.
If you suspect your child has asthma the first priority is correct diagnosis. However, be aware that symptoms can vary from episode to episode and not all wheezing and coughing is caused by asthma. Asthma-like symptoms in children younger than five are usually due to a virus or bacterial infection of the airways. However if your child is experiencing breathing difficulties it is best to get them to a doctor whatever the cause.
About eighty per cent of children who develop asthma do so before the age of five. Studies show that children living in rural areas have lower rates of asthma than those who live in cities, particularly if they spent their first five years in a rural area. For children living in inner cities the cockroach allergen seems to worsen asthma symptoms more than dust mite or pet allergens. Therefore another important step in the control of your child's asthma is to ensure that general cleaning and maintenance routines are followed to ensure cockroaches are not encouraged into the home. Levels of cockroach allergens have been found to be highest in high-rise apartments.
Another factor that has been linked to the development of asthma in children is exposure to smoke. A study in Norway showed that almost ten per cent of adult asthma patients had experienced passive smoking during early childhood. Therefore another step to take at home is to ensure that your child is not exposed to tobacco smoke.
If your doctor recommends the use of medication the next step is to encourage your child to take the medicine. Asthma is one of the main causes for emergency room visits by children. Yet studies have shown that up to half of these hospitalizations may be preventable if children, particularly teenagers, followed their medication schedule correctly, avoided their asthma triggers and made regular visits to the doctor.
Perhaps fear of side effects or dependency, or an impression that it is uncool to be seen taking medicines is preventing children taking their medication as regularly as they should. Perhaps intermittent asthma symptoms persuade children and their parents that it is not important to take medication if there are no symptoms. This is a mistake. Even when there are no obvious symptoms an asthmatic’s lungs will be inflamed to some degree.
The fact that the condition seems to run in families with a history of asthma or allergies suggests that certain people are born with a predisposition to asthma. Some may believe you are born with the condition and there is nothing you can do. However a child’s environment can also play an important role. Studies have found that exposure to potential allergens like pets and pollen in the first six months of life may reduce the chance of developing asthma later. However exposure beyond six months of age has the opposite effect. Being born into a family that already has siblings also seems to reduce the chance of developing asthma.
It is known that children are more susceptible to viral and allergic triggers than adults. An important step in controlling your child's asthma is identifying the triggers and teaching your child how to recognize their asthma triggers and avoid them. One possible trigger is ibuprofen, with over 100,000 children susceptible to asthma symptoms brought on by the drug.
Children tend to spend more time outside during the summer vacation. If pollen or high levels of ozone trigger your child’s asthma you need to monitor these. Physical exercise is a common trigger of childhood asthma. Teach your child to take medication if necessary, and do warm up exercises before strenuous activity and wind down exercises after.
If your child is going away to camp during the vacation make sure those in charge are aware of your child’s asthma management and action plans. There are camps designed specifically for asthma sufferers in the U.S. and Canada.
It is essential to have a written action plan that clearly states what medication to take and when, as well as how to respond to an asthma attack. You or your child may not remember what to do at a time when it may be difficult for them to breathe, so it is essential to have the important details in writing.
It is important you and your child remain calm during an attack as panic can produce more breathing difficulties. A parent’s instinct may be to cuddle their child, but that would constrict the chest further.
If asthma is diagnosed your next step is to inform your child’s school. Every school should allow access to asthma medication and some allow children to carry and self-administer their asthma medication if certain requirements are met.
Whilst we’re talking about schools here’s one often overlooked childhood asthma trigger. School buses are major sources of pollution, and studies show children who ride them are exposed to five to fifteen times as much asthma triggering particulates inside the buses compared to outside. New Jersey recently passed a law requiring retrofitting of school buses and municipal vehicles to clean up tailpipe emissions. Is your state doing the same?
Remember, if asthma is confirmed you need to educate yourself. According to the experts knowledge is the best prescription. To stop the disease affecting your child’s life you need to know how to monitor and manage asthma. This will mean knowing how to use medications correctly, whether your child’s attacks are triggered by allergens and if so how to reduce exposure to them, and the lifestyle changes that will help your child prevent attacks.
Despite being a widespread disease there are still plenty of myths about asthma. One of the most damaging of these for children is the belief that the condition will improve every seven years or can even disappear completely. Unfortunately, any apparent improvement is probably due to hormonal changes as the child’s immune system matures. The underlying condition does not go away and not managing it can lead to long-term lung damage.
6 Truths about Ayurveda
1 Ayurvedic medicine is less effective.
Truth: It is true that this method of treatment calls for more patience and endurance. The effectiveness can be cited by this example.
Whenever there is a tear in a cloth or a hole in a pitcher, we intend to rectify it using the similar material that it is made of. Similarly any fault in human body also calls to be corrected by use of natural resources, as much as possible.
2 Ayurvedic medicines are slow in showing results.
Truth: The irony lies with the delay from patient’s side. Most patients visiting holistic practitioners take their time in trying other systems of medicine so as to derive a faster result. This not only delays the effect of medicine, it also hampers the working of the drug. This is because the patient has either tried much more complicated and powerful combination of drugs, the effect of which needs to be neutralized first. Or in the mean time, his malady has substantially become deep rooted and taken chronic form. It may at times show to work slowly, but as the fable goes slow and steady wins the race.
3 Ayurvedic medicine has side effects.
Truth: Any side effect from medicine, of any therapy, may result from the misuse of drug, either in processing or in prescribing. As far as side effect or after effect is concerned, I believe time tested medicines are safer provided the former two factors are precise. The safety of Ayurvedic medicine and mode of treatment may be advocated in 3 pints.
1. In Ayurveda the very first principle in treating a disease is to do away with the basic cause, and also to see that no new ailment emerges as a consequence. A disease is eradicated from its roots.
2. Ayurveda insists that medicine be centered at the patient, than on the disease. The mind, body and soul are considered a tripod and medicine is prescribed for overall health augmentation.
3.Since Ayourvda deals with preparations mainly from herbs and natural resources, it is a harmless therapy with least or no side effects.
4 Ayurvedic medicines are for older patients.
Truth: There is no known limitation in this form of treatment. It is equally suited to all age groups. Ayurveda could be considered a boon for children when their body system is yet tender and in process of immunity building. The natural products do not interfere with their body resistance and at the same time tends to be more safe and comforting.
5 Ayurvedic medicines are just an alternative.
Truth: Ayurvedic system of medicine is incorrectly quoted as an alternate therapy as this has always been the most ancient and complete system of medicine. It’s been existing before the birth of other medical therapies. The word Ayurveda is itself derived from ‘Ayush’ which means life and ‘Veda’ which means science. There fore, Ayurveda is the complete science of life. It is a treasure to provide every individual a life full of health, vigor and vitality.
Truth: It is true that this method of treatment calls for more patience and endurance. The effectiveness can be cited by this example.
Whenever there is a tear in a cloth or a hole in a pitcher, we intend to rectify it using the similar material that it is made of. Similarly any fault in human body also calls to be corrected by use of natural resources, as much as possible.
2 Ayurvedic medicines are slow in showing results.
Truth: The irony lies with the delay from patient’s side. Most patients visiting holistic practitioners take their time in trying other systems of medicine so as to derive a faster result. This not only delays the effect of medicine, it also hampers the working of the drug. This is because the patient has either tried much more complicated and powerful combination of drugs, the effect of which needs to be neutralized first. Or in the mean time, his malady has substantially become deep rooted and taken chronic form. It may at times show to work slowly, but as the fable goes slow and steady wins the race.
3 Ayurvedic medicine has side effects.
Truth: Any side effect from medicine, of any therapy, may result from the misuse of drug, either in processing or in prescribing. As far as side effect or after effect is concerned, I believe time tested medicines are safer provided the former two factors are precise. The safety of Ayurvedic medicine and mode of treatment may be advocated in 3 pints.
1. In Ayurveda the very first principle in treating a disease is to do away with the basic cause, and also to see that no new ailment emerges as a consequence. A disease is eradicated from its roots.
2. Ayurveda insists that medicine be centered at the patient, than on the disease. The mind, body and soul are considered a tripod and medicine is prescribed for overall health augmentation.
3.Since Ayourvda deals with preparations mainly from herbs and natural resources, it is a harmless therapy with least or no side effects.
4 Ayurvedic medicines are for older patients.
Truth: There is no known limitation in this form of treatment. It is equally suited to all age groups. Ayurveda could be considered a boon for children when their body system is yet tender and in process of immunity building. The natural products do not interfere with their body resistance and at the same time tends to be more safe and comforting.
5 Ayurvedic medicines are just an alternative.
Truth: Ayurvedic system of medicine is incorrectly quoted as an alternate therapy as this has always been the most ancient and complete system of medicine. It’s been existing before the birth of other medical therapies. The word Ayurveda is itself derived from ‘Ayush’ which means life and ‘Veda’ which means science. There fore, Ayurveda is the complete science of life. It is a treasure to provide every individual a life full of health, vigor and vitality.
6 Tips For 6-pack Abs
No matter if you are a teen trying to get into shape or a grown woman returning to the world of fitness, a harder and flatter stomach is the final goal for many a person. Because of this, this topic is covered in plenty of fitness myths and <a href=http://beginner-fitness-tips.blogspot.com/>revolutionary ideas</a> and is especially susceptible to fancy machines and ideas that claim to give a rock hard 6-pack in weeks, yet do absolutely nothing. This article does not claim to give "rock hard abs" in a week, but instead serves to try to change the views some people have gotten from watching too many infomercials at 2AM.
1. You Can't Spot-Reduce
This means that you can't burn fat only from a specific spot on your body. All the sit-ups in the world will not burn the fat on your gut. Bodyfat is lost from all over your body and is caused by a caloric deficit, not from activating a certain muscle group.
2. Cardio is Important
The key to getting a 6-pack is not in building up the abdominals, but in burning the fat that is covering them. The way to achieve this is is to have a caloric deficit, which can be achieved by both taking in less calories and using up more calories. A form of cardio that is very effective for burning fat and boosting your metabolism is HIIT. HIIT is exercising in short bursts of intense cardio followed by a short cooldown. An example of a session would be a 30 second run, followed by a 30 second jog, followed by another sprint, and so on for 4 to 15 minutes depending on the fitness of person.
3. Abs are made in the kitchen
This is the least complex and yet the most difficult aspect in getting a 6-pack. The key to getting a 6-pack is to cut down on food and lose bodyfat. Here are some easily applicable tips:
* Stop drinking soda and start to drink only water. It can make a huge difference.
* Eat 5-6 small meals a day. This helps boost your metabolism and keeps your appetite in check.
* Try to find your calorie maintenance level and gradually decrease 100-200 calories per week until your are shedding about 1-2 pounds a week.
4. Sit-ups are useless
Sit-ups are supposed to target the abs but really the hip flexors and spinal erectors are doing the work in the movement. The abdominals are only used isometrically as stabilizers. This means that sit-ups are terrible for your back and do not benefit your abs anyway.
5. Other Exercises To Do
Now this would be the time for me to plug some new life-changing product or idea, but that is not the point of this article. Here are some ab exercises for beginners to do instead of the traditional sit-up:
* Crunches - There are many different types, but try to think of it as pulling your bottom rib directly to your hip
* Weighted crunches - Do normal crunches except hold a plate to your chest
* Hanging leg raises - hang from a bar and pull your knees directly to your chest
While achieving your goal of a 6-pack may not be as painless and easy as infomercials may have you think, it is still a very realistic goal even for a beginner. All it takes hard work and determination. Giving up a week after you started will not help you get a six pack or help your your overall fitness.
1. You Can't Spot-Reduce
This means that you can't burn fat only from a specific spot on your body. All the sit-ups in the world will not burn the fat on your gut. Bodyfat is lost from all over your body and is caused by a caloric deficit, not from activating a certain muscle group.
2. Cardio is Important
The key to getting a 6-pack is not in building up the abdominals, but in burning the fat that is covering them. The way to achieve this is is to have a caloric deficit, which can be achieved by both taking in less calories and using up more calories. A form of cardio that is very effective for burning fat and boosting your metabolism is HIIT. HIIT is exercising in short bursts of intense cardio followed by a short cooldown. An example of a session would be a 30 second run, followed by a 30 second jog, followed by another sprint, and so on for 4 to 15 minutes depending on the fitness of person.
3. Abs are made in the kitchen
This is the least complex and yet the most difficult aspect in getting a 6-pack. The key to getting a 6-pack is to cut down on food and lose bodyfat. Here are some easily applicable tips:
* Stop drinking soda and start to drink only water. It can make a huge difference.
* Eat 5-6 small meals a day. This helps boost your metabolism and keeps your appetite in check.
* Try to find your calorie maintenance level and gradually decrease 100-200 calories per week until your are shedding about 1-2 pounds a week.
4. Sit-ups are useless
Sit-ups are supposed to target the abs but really the hip flexors and spinal erectors are doing the work in the movement. The abdominals are only used isometrically as stabilizers. This means that sit-ups are terrible for your back and do not benefit your abs anyway.
5. Other Exercises To Do
Now this would be the time for me to plug some new life-changing product or idea, but that is not the point of this article. Here are some ab exercises for beginners to do instead of the traditional sit-up:
* Crunches - There are many different types, but try to think of it as pulling your bottom rib directly to your hip
* Weighted crunches - Do normal crunches except hold a plate to your chest
* Hanging leg raises - hang from a bar and pull your knees directly to your chest
6. Don't Give Up!
While achieving your goal of a 6-pack may not be as painless and easy as infomercials may have you think, it is still a very realistic goal even for a beginner. All it takes hard work and determination. Giving up a week after you started will not help you get a six pack or help your your overall fitness.
6 Simple Breathing Exercise To Deal With Stress
Breathing is something we all do during our life time. We all know we are going to die if we are not breathing. Breathing is a reflex action done by our body to provide the flow of oxygen around the body to the vital organs.
Wikipedia, online encyclopedia, describes humans breathe between 12 and 20 times per minute, with children breathing faster than adults.
Babies may breathe as much as 40 times per minute. Adults normally breathe about 500-700ml of air at a time. An average 14 year old takes around 30,000 breaths per day.
However, we can control our breathing. We can be more relaxed by breathing in and out so deeply. The more we allow our body to be filled by deep breathing, the less stress we place on our body and mind.
The more we practice our deep and controlled breathing, the more natural it becomes and we can call on it at any time of day to help us through those tired or stressed out moments.
With all the problems we have -- either we feel stressed out at work, or at the end of a long hard day and we can’t sleep, or if we just want a few minutes to our self -- we will find this simple breathing exercise really beneficial.
Here are some steps to do breathing exercise:
1. You can lie down, sit down or stand up as long as you are comfortable. Breathe in slowly through your nose to the count of four. Breathe very deep until all your body feel expanded.
2. Hold on that deep breath for four counts, and then exhale slowly through mouth to a count of eight.
3. Repeat the breathing in – right down so your tummy expands. Hold on to it and then exhaling nine more times.
4. You can breathe deeper once you get used to the above steps by leave one hand on your stomach and place the other lightly across the chest. Breathe right down so your tummy expands
5. When it can’t go any further, breathe in some more and fill the tops of your lungs. Inhalations and exhalation are the same length, eight counts each, without holding in between.
6. When you exhales, let the old air out from your chest then from your tummy. So, you are going to be relaxed.
Wikipedia, online encyclopedia, describes humans breathe between 12 and 20 times per minute, with children breathing faster than adults.
Babies may breathe as much as 40 times per minute. Adults normally breathe about 500-700ml of air at a time. An average 14 year old takes around 30,000 breaths per day.
However, we can control our breathing. We can be more relaxed by breathing in and out so deeply. The more we allow our body to be filled by deep breathing, the less stress we place on our body and mind.
The more we practice our deep and controlled breathing, the more natural it becomes and we can call on it at any time of day to help us through those tired or stressed out moments.
With all the problems we have -- either we feel stressed out at work, or at the end of a long hard day and we can’t sleep, or if we just want a few minutes to our self -- we will find this simple breathing exercise really beneficial.
Here are some steps to do breathing exercise:
1. You can lie down, sit down or stand up as long as you are comfortable. Breathe in slowly through your nose to the count of four. Breathe very deep until all your body feel expanded.
2. Hold on that deep breath for four counts, and then exhale slowly through mouth to a count of eight.
3. Repeat the breathing in – right down so your tummy expands. Hold on to it and then exhaling nine more times.
4. You can breathe deeper once you get used to the above steps by leave one hand on your stomach and place the other lightly across the chest. Breathe right down so your tummy expands
5. When it can’t go any further, breathe in some more and fill the tops of your lungs. Inhalations and exhalation are the same length, eight counts each, without holding in between.
6. When you exhales, let the old air out from your chest then from your tummy. So, you are going to be relaxed.
6 Powerful Tips to a Better Sleep
Many Americans are having difficulties falling asleep at night. Instead of sleeping and dreaming they roll around in their beds trying to fall asleep. The result usually is people not rested enough in the morning and tired all day. This results in stress and less performance on the job or at home. We have developed a list of 6 powerful tips that have helped us to achieve better sleep.
1) Room temperature: Keeping the temperature in your bedroom at 70 degrees Fahrenheit or below is recommended. Too often an overheated bedroom is causing sleep problems. Scientific studies show that the body can better relax with temperatures at 70 degrees or slightly below.
2) Reduce caffeine. A recent study showed that caffeine is not metabolized efficiently and fast enough at night. The effects of caffeine last much longer than most people expect. The result is difficulty falling asleep. Studies have shown better sleeping patterns if no more caffeine is consumed after 6.00 PM.
3) Avoid alcohol. Alcohol will keeps the body from reaching the deeper stages of sleep, where the body does most of its healing and resting. The result of drinking can be a very light sleep or difficulty falling asleep in general.
4) Beds are for sleeping. If you are used to watch TV in bed or even work while being in bed, you may find it much harder to relax and to fall asleep. Remove the TV and do not work in bed. Sleep requires your brain to slowly shutdown and any distraction will cause sleeping problems.
5) Go to bed at around the same time every day. Don't change your bedtime back and forth. Having a certain schedule developed it will be easier to fall asleep pretty much at the same time every day. A recurring schedule will help your body to get into a sleep pattern and make it easier to fall asleep.
6) Remove the alarm clock from your view. Starring at the time will only create the feeling that you have to sleep, but you are not. These worries will make things even worse. Losing the feeling for time by not seeing the actual and how long you have been awake has shown to improve healthy sleep.
1) Room temperature: Keeping the temperature in your bedroom at 70 degrees Fahrenheit or below is recommended. Too often an overheated bedroom is causing sleep problems. Scientific studies show that the body can better relax with temperatures at 70 degrees or slightly below.
2) Reduce caffeine. A recent study showed that caffeine is not metabolized efficiently and fast enough at night. The effects of caffeine last much longer than most people expect. The result is difficulty falling asleep. Studies have shown better sleeping patterns if no more caffeine is consumed after 6.00 PM.
3) Avoid alcohol. Alcohol will keeps the body from reaching the deeper stages of sleep, where the body does most of its healing and resting. The result of drinking can be a very light sleep or difficulty falling asleep in general.
4) Beds are for sleeping. If you are used to watch TV in bed or even work while being in bed, you may find it much harder to relax and to fall asleep. Remove the TV and do not work in bed. Sleep requires your brain to slowly shutdown and any distraction will cause sleeping problems.
5) Go to bed at around the same time every day. Don't change your bedtime back and forth. Having a certain schedule developed it will be easier to fall asleep pretty much at the same time every day. A recurring schedule will help your body to get into a sleep pattern and make it easier to fall asleep.
6) Remove the alarm clock from your view. Starring at the time will only create the feeling that you have to sleep, but you are not. These worries will make things even worse. Losing the feeling for time by not seeing the actual and how long you have been awake has shown to improve healthy sleep.
Friday, June 19, 2020
5 HTP Nature's Anti-Depressant
What is 5-HTP?
The Griffonia Extract is rich in 5-HydroxyTryptophan (5-HTP), which comes from an African vegetable, the Griffonia simplicifolia seed, and contains 30% 5–HTP. 5-HTP is an amino acid that is a direct precursor of serotonin, an important neurotransmitter having pain soothing and relaxing effects. 5-HTP is not present in significant amounts in a typical diet. The human body manufactures 5-HTP from L-tryptophan, a natural amino acid found in most dietary proteins. However, eating food that contains L-tryptophan does not significantly increase 5-HTP levels.
5-HTP and Serotonin
5-HTP is the precursor to serotonin. It improves mood, anxiety and is beneficial in weight loss. 5-Hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) is an amino acid that is the intermediate step between tryptophan and the important brain chemical serotonin. There is a massive amount of evidence that suggests that low serotonin levels are a common consequence of modern living. The lifestyle and dietary practices of many people living in this stress-filled era results in lowered levels of serotonin within the brain.
5-HTP and Carb Cravings
Researchers believe that inadequate serotonin levels are in part responsible for the desire to overeat. Not surprisingly, obese individuals who crave carbohydrates usually show abnormally low levels of serotonin. Taking a 5-HTP supplement half an hour before a meal can " turn off" cravings and hunger pangs by feeding the brains carbohydrate satiety center. In this way 5-HTP can be a great asset as part of a weight-loss regime.
5-HTP and Addiction
The use of many addictive substances, such as tobacco, alcohol, caffeine and certain narcotics, elevates serotonin levels. When these substances are eliminated, serotonin levels drop drastically, causing anxiety and cravings. Taking 5-HTP can stabilize serotonin levels and help minimize the symptoms of withdrawal.
5-HTP and PMS
PMS sufferers report pain relief, as well as decreased irritability and mood swings from using 5-HTP. The supplement works by countering the hormone-induced decrease in serotonin levels that occur naturally during menstruation.
5-HTP and Sleep
Because of its calming effect, many rely on 5-HTP to alleviate stress-attacks, as well as to encourage restful sleep. Unlike sedative drugs, 5-HTP is not associated with unwanted side effects, such as disturbed sleep patterns or grogginess. It can be taken regularly one hour before retiring as a remedy for insomnia.
Side Effects
Very high intakes of 5-HTP have caused muscle jerks in guinea pigs and both muscle jerks and diarrhea in mice. Injected 5-HTP has also caused kidney damage in rats. To date, these problems have not been reported in humans. “Serotonin syndrome,” a serious but uncommon condition caused by excessive amounts of serotonin, has not been reported to result from supplementation with 5-HTP; in theory it could be triggered by the supplement. However, the level of intake at which this toxic effect might potentially occur remains unknown.
5-HTP should not be taken with antidepressants, weight-control drugs, other serotonin-modifying agents, or substances known to cause liver damage, because in these cases 5-HTP may have excessive effects. People with liver disease may not be able to regulate 5-HTP adequately and those suffering from autoimmune diseases such as scleroderma may be more sensitive than others, to 5-HTP. These people should not take 5-HTP without consulting a knowledgeable healthcare professional. The safety of taking 5-HTP during pregnancy and breast-feeding is not known at this time.
Conditions with low serotonin levels helped by 5-HTP:
Sleep apnea
Migraine headaches
Tension headaches
Chronic daily headaches
Premenstrual syndrome
The Griffonia Extract is rich in 5-HydroxyTryptophan (5-HTP), which comes from an African vegetable, the Griffonia simplicifolia seed, and contains 30% 5–HTP. 5-HTP is an amino acid that is a direct precursor of serotonin, an important neurotransmitter having pain soothing and relaxing effects. 5-HTP is not present in significant amounts in a typical diet. The human body manufactures 5-HTP from L-tryptophan, a natural amino acid found in most dietary proteins. However, eating food that contains L-tryptophan does not significantly increase 5-HTP levels.
5-HTP and Serotonin
5-HTP is the precursor to serotonin. It improves mood, anxiety and is beneficial in weight loss. 5-Hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) is an amino acid that is the intermediate step between tryptophan and the important brain chemical serotonin. There is a massive amount of evidence that suggests that low serotonin levels are a common consequence of modern living. The lifestyle and dietary practices of many people living in this stress-filled era results in lowered levels of serotonin within the brain.
5-HTP and Carb Cravings
Researchers believe that inadequate serotonin levels are in part responsible for the desire to overeat. Not surprisingly, obese individuals who crave carbohydrates usually show abnormally low levels of serotonin. Taking a 5-HTP supplement half an hour before a meal can " turn off" cravings and hunger pangs by feeding the brains carbohydrate satiety center. In this way 5-HTP can be a great asset as part of a weight-loss regime.
5-HTP and Addiction
The use of many addictive substances, such as tobacco, alcohol, caffeine and certain narcotics, elevates serotonin levels. When these substances are eliminated, serotonin levels drop drastically, causing anxiety and cravings. Taking 5-HTP can stabilize serotonin levels and help minimize the symptoms of withdrawal.
5-HTP and PMS
PMS sufferers report pain relief, as well as decreased irritability and mood swings from using 5-HTP. The supplement works by countering the hormone-induced decrease in serotonin levels that occur naturally during menstruation.
5-HTP and Sleep
Because of its calming effect, many rely on 5-HTP to alleviate stress-attacks, as well as to encourage restful sleep. Unlike sedative drugs, 5-HTP is not associated with unwanted side effects, such as disturbed sleep patterns or grogginess. It can be taken regularly one hour before retiring as a remedy for insomnia.
Side Effects
Very high intakes of 5-HTP have caused muscle jerks in guinea pigs and both muscle jerks and diarrhea in mice. Injected 5-HTP has also caused kidney damage in rats. To date, these problems have not been reported in humans. “Serotonin syndrome,” a serious but uncommon condition caused by excessive amounts of serotonin, has not been reported to result from supplementation with 5-HTP; in theory it could be triggered by the supplement. However, the level of intake at which this toxic effect might potentially occur remains unknown.
5-HTP should not be taken with antidepressants, weight-control drugs, other serotonin-modifying agents, or substances known to cause liver damage, because in these cases 5-HTP may have excessive effects. People with liver disease may not be able to regulate 5-HTP adequately and those suffering from autoimmune diseases such as scleroderma may be more sensitive than others, to 5-HTP. These people should not take 5-HTP without consulting a knowledgeable healthcare professional. The safety of taking 5-HTP during pregnancy and breast-feeding is not known at this time.
Conditions with low serotonin levels helped by 5-HTP:
Carbohydrate craving
Sleep apnea
Migraine headaches
Tension headaches
Chronic daily headaches
Premenstrual syndrome
5 Warning Signs That Could Keep You Out of ER
Many people knowingly experience asthma for the first time when they are rushed to the emergency room with acute breathing problems. Many of them did not realize that asthma could develop in adults. Consequently they did not seek medical help when symptoms first appeared. This neglect can be fatal.
If you suspect you have adult or late-onset asthma a final diagnosis should be left to a qualified practitioner, but there are some signs that suggest asthma may be a problem.
Many adults who develop asthma will have experienced chest problems as a child. They may have suffered a higher than average number of coughs or episodes of bronchitis. This may have been undiagnosed asthma.
Although asthma does seem to run in families because there is a genetic component to the condition it is not unusual for a single family member to develop asthma while their siblings do not.
If you have more than two of the following symptoms it is probable that you are suffering some form of lung disease and you should consult a doctor.
1. Do you correctly use your diaphragm to breathe, or do you lift your shoulders and chest as you breathe?
2. Can you complete long sentences without becoming short of breath?
3. Do you wheeze? This could be a sign that mucus has built up in your airways.
4. Do you have a rapid pulse? This could be due to lack of oxygen in your bloodstream.
5. Are your chest, back or stomach muscles painful? This could be a sign of the strain breathing is putting on these muscles.
If you do have asthma it is likely that it is triggered by something. The most common asthma triggers include pollution from traffic or industry, cold or dry air, and airborne irritants.
There are many other triggers. In women, hormones can trigger a susceptibility to asthma. Some women find asthma becomes a problem just before a period, some experience symptoms during pregnancy, and some around the menopause.
Many cases of adult asthma are triggered by viral infections that affect the respiratory system. Others find that symptoms become noticeable as they put on weight. There seems to be a link between obesity and asthma.
So what is the next step if you suspect you have asthma? You need to visit your doctor, and you will make the most of the consultation if you go prepared.
Think about your home and your place of work. Do these have any triggers that may be starting your asthma? Are there any other environments, activities or substances that seem to provoke a worsening of your condition?
Give some thought to your medical history and whether any relatives have suffered from asthma, eczema or any allergies. If you are not sure there is any connection between how you feel and where you are or what you do keep a daily journal of your condition, preferably for about two weeks.
With this information and some simple breathing tests your doctor should be able to tell you whether you have asthma. If you find you do have asthma, take comfort from the fact that we know more about this disease and how to manage it than ever before.
If you suspect you have adult or late-onset asthma a final diagnosis should be left to a qualified practitioner, but there are some signs that suggest asthma may be a problem.
Many adults who develop asthma will have experienced chest problems as a child. They may have suffered a higher than average number of coughs or episodes of bronchitis. This may have been undiagnosed asthma.
Although asthma does seem to run in families because there is a genetic component to the condition it is not unusual for a single family member to develop asthma while their siblings do not.
If you have more than two of the following symptoms it is probable that you are suffering some form of lung disease and you should consult a doctor.
1. Do you correctly use your diaphragm to breathe, or do you lift your shoulders and chest as you breathe?
2. Can you complete long sentences without becoming short of breath?
3. Do you wheeze? This could be a sign that mucus has built up in your airways.
4. Do you have a rapid pulse? This could be due to lack of oxygen in your bloodstream.
5. Are your chest, back or stomach muscles painful? This could be a sign of the strain breathing is putting on these muscles.
If you do have asthma it is likely that it is triggered by something. The most common asthma triggers include pollution from traffic or industry, cold or dry air, and airborne irritants.
There are many other triggers. In women, hormones can trigger a susceptibility to asthma. Some women find asthma becomes a problem just before a period, some experience symptoms during pregnancy, and some around the menopause.
Many cases of adult asthma are triggered by viral infections that affect the respiratory system. Others find that symptoms become noticeable as they put on weight. There seems to be a link between obesity and asthma.
So what is the next step if you suspect you have asthma? You need to visit your doctor, and you will make the most of the consultation if you go prepared.
Think about your home and your place of work. Do these have any triggers that may be starting your asthma? Are there any other environments, activities or substances that seem to provoke a worsening of your condition?
Give some thought to your medical history and whether any relatives have suffered from asthma, eczema or any allergies. If you are not sure there is any connection between how you feel and where you are or what you do keep a daily journal of your condition, preferably for about two weeks.
With this information and some simple breathing tests your doctor should be able to tell you whether you have asthma. If you find you do have asthma, take comfort from the fact that we know more about this disease and how to manage it than ever before.
5 Tips To Make Your Personal Training Business More Profitable
Here are five simple strategies that any personal trainer can adapt to their business and almost instantly increase their profits:
1. Raise Your Prices. This is the most simple, yet overlooked strategy for increasing your income. If you perform 30 sessions per week and raise your prices by just five dollars per session, you’ve increased your yearly income by $7800. Not a bad improvement considering that you didn’t have to do anything else differently. Most of your clients won’t even bat an eye at this increase and the one’s that have a problem with a small price increase will almost always be your “headache clients.” Simply move on and you’ll soon replace them (if there are any) with a new client happy to pay your fee.
2. Have a “back-end.” The lifetime value of a client is the total amount of money that a client spends with you during the duration of the time you do business together. Most trainers limit this number to the amount that each client spends on personal training sessions. Since your clients undoubtedly view you as their fitness resource so don’t make them look elsewhere when they need to purchase supplements, foam rollers, nutritional coaching or anything else that would be complimentary to your personal training services. You’re helping your clients achieve better results, ensuring that they make the right choices when making fitness-related purchases and increasing your profits as well.
3. Practice “takeaway selling.” Most personal trainers’ approach to sales is to tell the prospective client how much they (the trainers) can do for the prospect and then close by almost begging the prospect to become a client. Unfortunately, this approach de-values the trainers’ services and gives the prospect all the power. Simply turn the table on the prospect. Tell the prospect that you are only accepting a very limited number of clients and then proceed to tell the prospect what will be expected of them should they be “fortunate” enough to be accepted as a client. Explain that they will have to be a “walking billboard” for your business and they will be expected to refer people who fit the mold of the client that you want to work with. You’ll be amazed by how many prospects literally beg you to take them on as clients.
4. The power of leverage. This is probably my favorite strategy. You can leverage other trainers by hiring them to train clients for you or “farming out” some of the clients you acquire and charging a “finder’s fee.” You can leverage your time by providing only semi-private training instead of the traditional one-on-one that forces you to trade your time for one clients money. You can leverage your knowledge by creating an information product that you can sell to your client or online. You can leverage your clients by having the “back end” I previously mentioned. Remember, you don’t always have to trade your time for one client’s money.
5. Institute an automated payment system. It works in health clubs, why not in personal training? Simply set your clients up on 4 or 6 month automated payment plans that are directly drafted from their checking account or credit card. This lets prospects know that you are only interested in taking on clients that are committed (that “takeaway selling” approach again) to getting results and it prevents you from being a bill collector. You’ll also get great piece of mind knowing what your receivables base is for the next few months.
These are just five of many strategies that you can use to make your personal training business more profitable. Go back through them and think of ways that you can implement at least a couple of these strategies into your business. Remember, if you continue to do what you’ve always done, you’ll continue to get what you’ve always gotten.
1. Raise Your Prices. This is the most simple, yet overlooked strategy for increasing your income. If you perform 30 sessions per week and raise your prices by just five dollars per session, you’ve increased your yearly income by $7800. Not a bad improvement considering that you didn’t have to do anything else differently. Most of your clients won’t even bat an eye at this increase and the one’s that have a problem with a small price increase will almost always be your “headache clients.” Simply move on and you’ll soon replace them (if there are any) with a new client happy to pay your fee.
2. Have a “back-end.” The lifetime value of a client is the total amount of money that a client spends with you during the duration of the time you do business together. Most trainers limit this number to the amount that each client spends on personal training sessions. Since your clients undoubtedly view you as their fitness resource so don’t make them look elsewhere when they need to purchase supplements, foam rollers, nutritional coaching or anything else that would be complimentary to your personal training services. You’re helping your clients achieve better results, ensuring that they make the right choices when making fitness-related purchases and increasing your profits as well.
3. Practice “takeaway selling.” Most personal trainers’ approach to sales is to tell the prospective client how much they (the trainers) can do for the prospect and then close by almost begging the prospect to become a client. Unfortunately, this approach de-values the trainers’ services and gives the prospect all the power. Simply turn the table on the prospect. Tell the prospect that you are only accepting a very limited number of clients and then proceed to tell the prospect what will be expected of them should they be “fortunate” enough to be accepted as a client. Explain that they will have to be a “walking billboard” for your business and they will be expected to refer people who fit the mold of the client that you want to work with. You’ll be amazed by how many prospects literally beg you to take them on as clients.
4. The power of leverage. This is probably my favorite strategy. You can leverage other trainers by hiring them to train clients for you or “farming out” some of the clients you acquire and charging a “finder’s fee.” You can leverage your time by providing only semi-private training instead of the traditional one-on-one that forces you to trade your time for one clients money. You can leverage your knowledge by creating an information product that you can sell to your client or online. You can leverage your clients by having the “back end” I previously mentioned. Remember, you don’t always have to trade your time for one client’s money.
5. Institute an automated payment system. It works in health clubs, why not in personal training? Simply set your clients up on 4 or 6 month automated payment plans that are directly drafted from their checking account or credit card. This lets prospects know that you are only interested in taking on clients that are committed (that “takeaway selling” approach again) to getting results and it prevents you from being a bill collector. You’ll also get great piece of mind knowing what your receivables base is for the next few months.
These are just five of many strategies that you can use to make your personal training business more profitable. Go back through them and think of ways that you can implement at least a couple of these strategies into your business. Remember, if you continue to do what you’ve always done, you’ll continue to get what you’ve always gotten.
5 Tips To Losing Weight While Keeping Your Sanity
Losing weight is the goal of many individuals worldwide however there is no simple way to drop the pounds like taking a pill or simply wishing them away. Unfortunately, losing weight takes determination and commitment to a healthy diet and exercise plan and even then it takes longer than we would like to drop those extra pounds. So, what can you do to lose weight and keep your sanity? The following five tips should help you out.
Tip 1: Lower Your Expectations
If you begin an exercise or diet plan, or both, and have heard you will lose incredible amounts of weight in no time at all and then it doesn’t happen then you feel let down and won’t have the same dedication to carry on and your diet fails miserably. However, if you are more realistic to begin with and realize that most people lose 1-2 pounds per week on a healthy exercise and diet plan then you will be better informed and can expect these types of results ahead of time rather than being disappointed.
Tip 2: Don’t Tell Everyone You are Dieting
When people first start diets they tell everyone they are dieting and their great weight loss plans. However, this can frequently work against you because people will talk and judge your weight loss progress and make you feel uncomfortable, especially if you eat something others don’t believe is part of your diet plan. This will give you a complex, so simply start your diet, inform close family and friends for support, and keep your dieting to yourself and you won’t go crazy.
Tip 3: Don’t Eliminate a Food Group
Many times when you eliminate a complete food group from your diet you feel as if you are really sacrificing too much and you will simply lose your sanity and your diet will fail. On the other hand, if you eat a well balanced diet and allow yourself little treats along the way you will lose weight and keep your sanity as well.
Tip 4 :Household Support
When you start a diet you need to make sure the entire household will support you in your efforts. If you are not eating sugar yet your spouse continues to come home with cookies, ice cream, and doughnuts then you will have a hard time sticking to the diet and you won’t feel much support, either, which will drive you crazy. So, make sure your entire family is ready to support you and if they choose to eat unhealthy to do it away from the home.
Tip 5: Work Out
Losing weight takes a lot of time, which can really test your sanity. However, if you include a work out routine with your diet then you will see a much quicker weight loss, have more energy, sleep better, and simply feel better about yourself. This will help you keep your sanity and stay true to your weight loss plan.
When you follow these five tips you will be able to keep your sanity while staying on your diet and exercise plan better than if you give it a try all on your own.
Tip 1: Lower Your Expectations
If you begin an exercise or diet plan, or both, and have heard you will lose incredible amounts of weight in no time at all and then it doesn’t happen then you feel let down and won’t have the same dedication to carry on and your diet fails miserably. However, if you are more realistic to begin with and realize that most people lose 1-2 pounds per week on a healthy exercise and diet plan then you will be better informed and can expect these types of results ahead of time rather than being disappointed.
Tip 2: Don’t Tell Everyone You are Dieting
When people first start diets they tell everyone they are dieting and their great weight loss plans. However, this can frequently work against you because people will talk and judge your weight loss progress and make you feel uncomfortable, especially if you eat something others don’t believe is part of your diet plan. This will give you a complex, so simply start your diet, inform close family and friends for support, and keep your dieting to yourself and you won’t go crazy.
Tip 3: Don’t Eliminate a Food Group
Many times when you eliminate a complete food group from your diet you feel as if you are really sacrificing too much and you will simply lose your sanity and your diet will fail. On the other hand, if you eat a well balanced diet and allow yourself little treats along the way you will lose weight and keep your sanity as well.
Tip 4 :Household Support
When you start a diet you need to make sure the entire household will support you in your efforts. If you are not eating sugar yet your spouse continues to come home with cookies, ice cream, and doughnuts then you will have a hard time sticking to the diet and you won’t feel much support, either, which will drive you crazy. So, make sure your entire family is ready to support you and if they choose to eat unhealthy to do it away from the home.
Tip 5: Work Out
Losing weight takes a lot of time, which can really test your sanity. However, if you include a work out routine with your diet then you will see a much quicker weight loss, have more energy, sleep better, and simply feel better about yourself. This will help you keep your sanity and stay true to your weight loss plan.
When you follow these five tips you will be able to keep your sanity while staying on your diet and exercise plan better than if you give it a try all on your own.
5 Tips to "Dance The Weight Away"
The Latin Queen of Music
If you love Latin rhythms and want to lose weight keep reading. No longer do you have to spend your money going to the gym. By following my simple weight losing tips while listening to Merengue Latin grooves, you’ll be able to shed pounds effortlessly. Many people like to listen to music when they work out but a small percentage of people around the world know about my little Latin-dance work out strategy.
You can dance at your own pace because it doesn’t matter if you are an expert or a professional salsa dancer, you just need to follow the rhythms, listen the drums, and listen to amazing Latin beats.
Tip 1: Make a commitment to pop in a Merengue or Salsa CD or download some Merengue or Salsa music online that will make you start dancing while breaking a sweat.
Tip 2: Take 2-3 Merengue or Salsa dancing classes. You cav take a basic Latin dance class or intermediate to advance level class based on your experience.
This will eventually improve your Latin dancing skills and dedication and will make you look like a professional. These moves also help strengthen your abdominal muscles which can help keep fat flab off your tummy.
Tip 3: Make a commitment to dance at least 60 minutes a day before work, after work or on your lunch break. Don’t forget; if you are a female, shake your hips. If you are a male; shake your chest. The first 30 minutes should not be interrupted, stay active and in constant motion for the full 30 minutes because this is when you start burning fat and calories.
Tip 4: If you don’t want to take the time and money for classes, begin with the simple 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 steps starting with a right step in front and left step back and fourth while counting 1,2,3,4,5,6,7. This will help you dance the weight away.
Tip 5: Keep your stomach and back straight for better stability, as it is very important to maintain your center of gravity when changing direction. Good balance will allow you to be in the correct position to hit the next dance step.
Dancing to Latin tropical rhythms like Salsa and Meringue this summer will get you in shape in no time. By increasing your power with the following Latin grooves exercise, you can improve your overall fitness goals in less than a month.
If you love Latin rhythms and want to lose weight keep reading. No longer do you have to spend your money going to the gym. By following my simple weight losing tips while listening to Merengue Latin grooves, you’ll be able to shed pounds effortlessly. Many people like to listen to music when they work out but a small percentage of people around the world know about my little Latin-dance work out strategy.
You can dance at your own pace because it doesn’t matter if you are an expert or a professional salsa dancer, you just need to follow the rhythms, listen the drums, and listen to amazing Latin beats.
Tip 1: Make a commitment to pop in a Merengue or Salsa CD or download some Merengue or Salsa music online that will make you start dancing while breaking a sweat.
Tip 2: Take 2-3 Merengue or Salsa dancing classes. You cav take a basic Latin dance class or intermediate to advance level class based on your experience.
This will eventually improve your Latin dancing skills and dedication and will make you look like a professional. These moves also help strengthen your abdominal muscles which can help keep fat flab off your tummy.
Tip 3: Make a commitment to dance at least 60 minutes a day before work, after work or on your lunch break. Don’t forget; if you are a female, shake your hips. If you are a male; shake your chest. The first 30 minutes should not be interrupted, stay active and in constant motion for the full 30 minutes because this is when you start burning fat and calories.
Tip 4: If you don’t want to take the time and money for classes, begin with the simple 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 steps starting with a right step in front and left step back and fourth while counting 1,2,3,4,5,6,7. This will help you dance the weight away.
Tip 5: Keep your stomach and back straight for better stability, as it is very important to maintain your center of gravity when changing direction. Good balance will allow you to be in the correct position to hit the next dance step.
Dancing to Latin tropical rhythms like Salsa and Meringue this summer will get you in shape in no time. By increasing your power with the following Latin grooves exercise, you can improve your overall fitness goals in less than a month.
Thursday, June 18, 2020
5 Tips On Proper Fibromyalgia Diets
In order to treat or completely eliminate fibromyalgia, many doctors advocate adjusting your diet for levels of energy and immune system enhancement. Though you likely suffer from a number of fibromyalgia symptoms, if proper diet eliminates or eases even one o f those symptoms then isn’t it worth your time to give it a try? To help you adjust your diet and feel better, here are 5 tips on proper fibromyalgia diets.
The first of the 5 tips on proper fibromyalgia diets is to increase the variety of foods you eat and vary the amounts and combinations. What this does is help your body to get a wider range of the vitamins and minerals you need along with fatty acids that will improve overall health. To that end, you should also try to incorporate more organic foods into your diet. The chemicals used in other vegetables can reduce their nutritional value and thus cause you to lose the vitamins and minerals that are so important to your fibromyalgia diet.
Second of the 5 tips on proper fibromyalgia diets is to change your eating patterns. Instead of eating the standard three meals a day, consider eating less more often. Try to eat a small meal as often as every three hours. This keeps your metabolism high and your energy levels with it, and you will feel more energy.
Third in the 5 tips on proper fibromyalgia diets is to be aware of what you should avoid. Stay away from fast food and junk food. In addition to that, keep caffeine, sugar, and any unnecessary drugs (like alcohol) out of your system. Many of these foods and additives will cause you to have sharp rises and falls in energy and metabolic levels. What you want when you have fibromyalgia, or even just for overall health, is to have a constant feeling of well being that comes from balanced diet.
Keep your diet balanced. Of the top 5 tips on proper fibromyalgia diets, keeping your diet balanced is probably the most important. If you try to control the balance of complex carbohydrates, essential fatty acids, lean animal protein, vegetable protein, and healthy plant fats, then you will feel better and your body will get stronger. Additionally, by doing that you are simply making the other tips easier to follow.
Finally, you want to make sure you are paying attention to food intolerances and allergic reactions. Remember that if your diet is making you feel worse, it is only going to make the fibromyalgia worse right along with it. The idea of the diet is to feel better overall, so it is important to make sure you know how certain foods make your body react.
These 5 tips on proper fibromyalgia diets will hopefully help you to deal with your condition. By understanding each of these tips, you can go a long way in feeling better just through what you eat. So sit down and come up with your fibromyalgia diet so that you can feel better and live a more normal life.
The first of the 5 tips on proper fibromyalgia diets is to increase the variety of foods you eat and vary the amounts and combinations. What this does is help your body to get a wider range of the vitamins and minerals you need along with fatty acids that will improve overall health. To that end, you should also try to incorporate more organic foods into your diet. The chemicals used in other vegetables can reduce their nutritional value and thus cause you to lose the vitamins and minerals that are so important to your fibromyalgia diet.
Second of the 5 tips on proper fibromyalgia diets is to change your eating patterns. Instead of eating the standard three meals a day, consider eating less more often. Try to eat a small meal as often as every three hours. This keeps your metabolism high and your energy levels with it, and you will feel more energy.
Third in the 5 tips on proper fibromyalgia diets is to be aware of what you should avoid. Stay away from fast food and junk food. In addition to that, keep caffeine, sugar, and any unnecessary drugs (like alcohol) out of your system. Many of these foods and additives will cause you to have sharp rises and falls in energy and metabolic levels. What you want when you have fibromyalgia, or even just for overall health, is to have a constant feeling of well being that comes from balanced diet.
Keep your diet balanced. Of the top 5 tips on proper fibromyalgia diets, keeping your diet balanced is probably the most important. If you try to control the balance of complex carbohydrates, essential fatty acids, lean animal protein, vegetable protein, and healthy plant fats, then you will feel better and your body will get stronger. Additionally, by doing that you are simply making the other tips easier to follow.
Finally, you want to make sure you are paying attention to food intolerances and allergic reactions. Remember that if your diet is making you feel worse, it is only going to make the fibromyalgia worse right along with it. The idea of the diet is to feel better overall, so it is important to make sure you know how certain foods make your body react.
These 5 tips on proper fibromyalgia diets will hopefully help you to deal with your condition. By understanding each of these tips, you can go a long way in feeling better just through what you eat. So sit down and come up with your fibromyalgia diet so that you can feel better and live a more normal life.
5 Tips For More Swimming Pool Fun
Swimming is a wonderful exercise that can benefit anyone. If you’re not fortunate enough to have your own pool, you can use your local public swimming pool, or even swim in the sea if you’re reasonably close to the coast. Whatever way you do it, try to get wet often; it’s good for you and lots of fun too!
1. Keep moderation in mind when you go in the pool. Begin with short period of 10 to 20 minutes. You can increase this when you gain in stamina. And don’t try all the hardest strokes at first. Build up to it gently.
2. Use a quality filter for your pool. Trying to save here will only result in constant maintenance costs. It will also mean swimming in a pool that is always dirty.
3. Repair any tear in your swimming pool liner as soon as possible. If the tear is three inches or less it should repair easily. If it is larger you may have to replace the entire liner.
4. Don’t allow children (or adults) to run near the pool. Running and diving into a pool is asking for trouble. Accidents can easily happen on slippery surfaces, so play safe always.
5. If you find that all your pool toys, chemicals and cleaners are becoming unmanageable, find someplace to store them. A shed or pool house near the pool is ideal. However, be careful not to store chemicals that may react with each other close together. Also make sure the room is well ventilated.
Hand mitts, paddles, swim fins, and kickboards are all ways to make your swimming more fun and challenging to provide better exercise. These days you can even swim to music by using a specially designed radio that fits into a waterproof bag. So don’t just lounge around the pool all day. Use it as it is intended to be used – swim and enjoy life!
1. Keep moderation in mind when you go in the pool. Begin with short period of 10 to 20 minutes. You can increase this when you gain in stamina. And don’t try all the hardest strokes at first. Build up to it gently.
2. Use a quality filter for your pool. Trying to save here will only result in constant maintenance costs. It will also mean swimming in a pool that is always dirty.
3. Repair any tear in your swimming pool liner as soon as possible. If the tear is three inches or less it should repair easily. If it is larger you may have to replace the entire liner.
4. Don’t allow children (or adults) to run near the pool. Running and diving into a pool is asking for trouble. Accidents can easily happen on slippery surfaces, so play safe always.
5. If you find that all your pool toys, chemicals and cleaners are becoming unmanageable, find someplace to store them. A shed or pool house near the pool is ideal. However, be careful not to store chemicals that may react with each other close together. Also make sure the room is well ventilated.
Hand mitts, paddles, swim fins, and kickboards are all ways to make your swimming more fun and challenging to provide better exercise. These days you can even swim to music by using a specially designed radio that fits into a waterproof bag. So don’t just lounge around the pool all day. Use it as it is intended to be used – swim and enjoy life!
5 Tips For Keeping Active In The Winter
With winter coming there will be lots of cold days that simply make people want to stay inside and keep warm. However, all those days spent indoors is generally accompanied by the winter blues. Fortunately, there are a lot of things one can do to liven things up and keep themselves active in the winter even if it is a bit chilly outside. The following five tips will help you have an active winter and finally beat the winter blues.
Tip 1. Yoga or Pilates
Taking a yoga or pilates class at your local gym will help you get out and about, meet new people, and even tone up your muscles! This is great way to stay active and in shape over the winter so when summer bathing suit season arrives you will be prepared.
Tip 2.Take a Bike Ride
A bike ride is fun any time of the year and can be especially enjoyable during the winter because the cool air is refreshing. Just remember to bundle up before heading out on your winter bike ride so you do not get too cold or risk overexposure to the cold weather.
Tip 3.Go for a Walk
Going for a walk is always a great way to get yourself in motion. It doesn’t matter if it is a slow leisurely walk or a brisk one you will get benefits from walking and being active. Also, walking during the winter will help you burn some of those calories you might be eating more of.
Tip 4.Weekly Meeting with Friends
Scheduling a weekly meeting with friends whether at a coffee shop or alternating friends’ homes is really a great way to stay active in winter and have a lot of fun as well. You will find yourself looking forward to each meeting with your friends.
Tip 5. Plant a Winter Garden
If you like to be active in the garden in the spring and summer then there is no reason why you should stop just because the temperature drops. A great idea to keeping active in winter is to plant a winter garden. There are plenty of things to plant no matter what your region, just do a little research on a winter garden for your region and you can have a really active winter.
Tip 1. Yoga or Pilates
Taking a yoga or pilates class at your local gym will help you get out and about, meet new people, and even tone up your muscles! This is great way to stay active and in shape over the winter so when summer bathing suit season arrives you will be prepared.
Tip 2.Take a Bike Ride
A bike ride is fun any time of the year and can be especially enjoyable during the winter because the cool air is refreshing. Just remember to bundle up before heading out on your winter bike ride so you do not get too cold or risk overexposure to the cold weather.
Tip 3.Go for a Walk
Going for a walk is always a great way to get yourself in motion. It doesn’t matter if it is a slow leisurely walk or a brisk one you will get benefits from walking and being active. Also, walking during the winter will help you burn some of those calories you might be eating more of.
Tip 4.Weekly Meeting with Friends
Scheduling a weekly meeting with friends whether at a coffee shop or alternating friends’ homes is really a great way to stay active in winter and have a lot of fun as well. You will find yourself looking forward to each meeting with your friends.
Tip 5. Plant a Winter Garden
If you like to be active in the garden in the spring and summer then there is no reason why you should stop just because the temperature drops. A great idea to keeping active in winter is to plant a winter garden. There are plenty of things to plant no matter what your region, just do a little research on a winter garden for your region and you can have a really active winter.
Wednesday, June 17, 2020
5 Steps to Successful Self-Hypnosis
In this step you need to consider what you want vs. what you don’t want and you need to be able to distinguish between the form and the essence.
Instead on focusing on what you don’t want, it’ important to focus on WHAT YOU WOULD LIKE to experience instead, because your subconscious mind says “YES” to whatever you focus upon. If you don’t want illness focus on perfect health, if you don’t want lack, focus on abundance, if you don’t want to experience stress, focus on experiencing peace, etc.
Sometimes people focus on the “form” (the physical thing instead on the “essence”
(the feeling they would like to experience). If you desire to create or attract a specific thing into your life, ask yourself what feeling do you believe this thing would give you.
By focusing on the “essence” of what you want, you expand your options.
You may find that there are many other ways to experience that desired feeling even now, and by experiencing that feeling now, you further open yourself to attract the thing you desire.
Many times we chase certain things, only to discover that they didn’t give us the feeling we expected to get by having them. And even if the thing you originally had it mind does indeed bring you the desired feeling, this process may bring you further insight into many different ways to enrich your life, to open yourself to many different opportunities that will allow you to experience even more of that desired feeling.
Once you know what you want, imagine and FEEL that you already have it. Engage as many of your senses as you can and while in a trance state (in a state of hypnosis) vividly imagine yourself as if you are already enjoying the desired state, thing, circumstances. You may also re-live your life, in your mind, imagining that you have always had this resource, quality, thing you’d like to experience.
The whole point of the “depth” of hypnosis is to allow you to put your conscious mind and the awareness of the outer world aside, long enough that you are able to fully experience your desired experience as REAL for you NOW.
It is good to remember that your subconscious mind does not distinguish between what is outside of you - what you may interpret as “real” - and what you experience only in the realm of your mind. The subconscious mind concludes that something is REAL, if it FEELS REAL to YOU … NOW.
Successful self-hypnosis is very much alike planting seeds. You decide what you would like to grow, you plant the seeds by imagining and feeling that you already have the desired outcome. You don’t have to concern yourself with how is the plant going to grow – it is endowed with intelligence to fulfill its purpose. What you do need to do is pull out the weeds if you notice any.
When you plant seeds of your outcome in your subconscious mind, your doubts, fears, anxieties, conflicting beliefs etc. are weeds you have to uproot. If you believe that it is impossible for you to reach your goal, but you just want to try it, forget about it – it’s not going to work.
If the goal seems to overwhelming, cut it down into smaller, achievable goals – goals you believe are attainable for you now. It doesn’t matter what anyone else has accomplished. The only thing that matters is what you believe is possible for you.
Other people’s accomplishments may inspire you – but whether you’d be able to accomplish the same, or less, or more, depends only on what you believe to be possible for you, and on the action you're willing to take.
Sometimes people look for “proofs” and assurance outside of themselves, asking other people for their opinions as to whether something is possible or not, yet this only tells their subconscious minds that they are still filled with doubt – they don’t really believe that they can experience the results they desire, so they usually don’t.
The best place to look for “proofs” when using your subconscious mind is in your own experiences – conducting your own experiments.
There is a way to get and create absolutely anything you may ever want to create through the power of your mind. However to overcome your own limitations you either have to have limitless faith, or even better, to do some research and gain understanding why YOU CAN be or have whatever it is you set your heart upon.
This also brings me to the POWER OF DECISION. If you have ever DECIDED to experience something and if you can recall how that feels, you may become aware that at such times your mind was fully focused on your GOAL and even though you might have been aware of possible obstacles on the road, they have not prevented you in reaching your outcome. When you truly DECIDE that you want something, you “cut yourself off” any other possibility and you COMMIT yourself to having the experience you desire.
You may be already familiar with a poem by Goethe:
Until one is committed
there is hesitancy,
the chance to draw back,
always ineffectiveness.
Concerning all acts of initiative
there is one elementary truth
the ignorance of which kills
countless ideas and endless plans:
That the moment one definitely commits oneself,
then providence moves, too.
All sorts of things occur to help one
that would never otherwise have occurred.
A whole stream of events issues from the decision
raising in one’s favor all manner of
unforeseen incidents and meetings and
material assistance which no man
could have dreamed would come his way.
Whatever you can do or
dream you can, begin it!
Boldness has genius, power
and magic in it.
This is probably the hardest step for most people – and it may take some practice to totally and completely trust in the wisdom and power of your mind, universe, God, your Higher Self (pick the term you prefer) to be able to bring into your experience what you asked for.
You may notice that sometimes when you think about something and then you completely forget about it, not even giving it a second thought whether it’s going to pass or not – the thing you thought about, just happens. That’s because you have spontaneously let go – by forgetting about it, your subconscious mind was able to take over and create that experience in your life.
Other times you may feel that you want or need something really badly, so badly as a matter of fact, that you can’t let it go – and as much as you want it – you are not allowing it to manifest for you.
When something is really important for you to have and you have no idea where what you need is going to come from, trusting may feel as if you were walking on a tight-rope. With practice, it does get much easier.
Practicing gratitude – expressing gratitude for what you need and/or desire as if you have already received it will help you to get your mind off the worry, and keep it focused on your goal.
I have written before about gratitude, but I’d like to repeat that gratitude will dramatically cut the time it takes to get what you desire, and it will dissolve a lot of obstacles toward getting the results you’d like to create using self-hypnosis.
You can thank your subconscious mind, your unconscious mind, God, universe – or whatever you like to refer to the power and intelligence within you and all around you that is able and knows how to bring into manifestation every one of your heart’s desires.
Sometimes what you ask for may come into your life in a slightly different form than what you envisioned. It is important to notice and acknowledge that what you asked for has in some form manifested for you.
Sometimes what you ask for may be even better than what you asked for (vividly imagined in self-hypnosis).
Sometimes what you ask for may be a far cry from what you wanted. It may be just a signal that what you asked for is on its way. Now is not the time to give up, but to keep on thanking that what you desire or even something better is on its way.
You may also want to re-examine your beliefs, doubts, worries, insecurities, feelings that you don’t quite deserve what you asked for, that it would be too good for you, or perhaps that after all, you don’t really want what you asked for.
Remember that your outer-world experiences only reflect what’s in your mind, so if you don’t like what you’re experiencing, all you need to do is change your mind about it. If you expect only the best in life, and keep on thanking your mind and the universe (God) for giving you the best, in joyful expectation of these experiences – your outer-world experiences will reflect this.
Acknowledge that everything that happens in your life is forever moving you toward the realization of your goals.
In this step you need to consider what you want vs. what you don’t want and you need to be able to distinguish between the form and the essence.
Instead on focusing on what you don’t want, it’ important to focus on WHAT YOU WOULD LIKE to experience instead, because your subconscious mind says “YES” to whatever you focus upon. If you don’t want illness focus on perfect health, if you don’t want lack, focus on abundance, if you don’t want to experience stress, focus on experiencing peace, etc.
Sometimes people focus on the “form” (the physical thing instead on the “essence”
(the feeling they would like to experience). If you desire to create or attract a specific thing into your life, ask yourself what feeling do you believe this thing would give you.
By focusing on the “essence” of what you want, you expand your options.
You may find that there are many other ways to experience that desired feeling even now, and by experiencing that feeling now, you further open yourself to attract the thing you desire.
Many times we chase certain things, only to discover that they didn’t give us the feeling we expected to get by having them. And even if the thing you originally had it mind does indeed bring you the desired feeling, this process may bring you further insight into many different ways to enrich your life, to open yourself to many different opportunities that will allow you to experience even more of that desired feeling.
Once you know what you want, imagine and FEEL that you already have it. Engage as many of your senses as you can and while in a trance state (in a state of hypnosis) vividly imagine yourself as if you are already enjoying the desired state, thing, circumstances. You may also re-live your life, in your mind, imagining that you have always had this resource, quality, thing you’d like to experience.
The whole point of the “depth” of hypnosis is to allow you to put your conscious mind and the awareness of the outer world aside, long enough that you are able to fully experience your desired experience as REAL for you NOW.
It is good to remember that your subconscious mind does not distinguish between what is outside of you - what you may interpret as “real” - and what you experience only in the realm of your mind. The subconscious mind concludes that something is REAL, if it FEELS REAL to YOU … NOW.
Successful self-hypnosis is very much alike planting seeds. You decide what you would like to grow, you plant the seeds by imagining and feeling that you already have the desired outcome. You don’t have to concern yourself with how is the plant going to grow – it is endowed with intelligence to fulfill its purpose. What you do need to do is pull out the weeds if you notice any.
When you plant seeds of your outcome in your subconscious mind, your doubts, fears, anxieties, conflicting beliefs etc. are weeds you have to uproot. If you believe that it is impossible for you to reach your goal, but you just want to try it, forget about it – it’s not going to work.
If the goal seems to overwhelming, cut it down into smaller, achievable goals – goals you believe are attainable for you now. It doesn’t matter what anyone else has accomplished. The only thing that matters is what you believe is possible for you.
Other people’s accomplishments may inspire you – but whether you’d be able to accomplish the same, or less, or more, depends only on what you believe to be possible for you, and on the action you're willing to take.
Sometimes people look for “proofs” and assurance outside of themselves, asking other people for their opinions as to whether something is possible or not, yet this only tells their subconscious minds that they are still filled with doubt – they don’t really believe that they can experience the results they desire, so they usually don’t.
The best place to look for “proofs” when using your subconscious mind is in your own experiences – conducting your own experiments.
There is a way to get and create absolutely anything you may ever want to create through the power of your mind. However to overcome your own limitations you either have to have limitless faith, or even better, to do some research and gain understanding why YOU CAN be or have whatever it is you set your heart upon.
This also brings me to the POWER OF DECISION. If you have ever DECIDED to experience something and if you can recall how that feels, you may become aware that at such times your mind was fully focused on your GOAL and even though you might have been aware of possible obstacles on the road, they have not prevented you in reaching your outcome. When you truly DECIDE that you want something, you “cut yourself off” any other possibility and you COMMIT yourself to having the experience you desire.
You may be already familiar with a poem by Goethe:
Until one is committed
there is hesitancy,
the chance to draw back,
always ineffectiveness.
Concerning all acts of initiative
there is one elementary truth
the ignorance of which kills
countless ideas and endless plans:
That the moment one definitely commits oneself,
then providence moves, too.
All sorts of things occur to help one
that would never otherwise have occurred.
A whole stream of events issues from the decision
raising in one’s favor all manner of
unforeseen incidents and meetings and
material assistance which no man
could have dreamed would come his way.
Whatever you can do or
dream you can, begin it!
Boldness has genius, power
and magic in it.
This is probably the hardest step for most people – and it may take some practice to totally and completely trust in the wisdom and power of your mind, universe, God, your Higher Self (pick the term you prefer) to be able to bring into your experience what you asked for.
You may notice that sometimes when you think about something and then you completely forget about it, not even giving it a second thought whether it’s going to pass or not – the thing you thought about, just happens. That’s because you have spontaneously let go – by forgetting about it, your subconscious mind was able to take over and create that experience in your life.
Other times you may feel that you want or need something really badly, so badly as a matter of fact, that you can’t let it go – and as much as you want it – you are not allowing it to manifest for you.
When something is really important for you to have and you have no idea where what you need is going to come from, trusting may feel as if you were walking on a tight-rope. With practice, it does get much easier.
Practicing gratitude – expressing gratitude for what you need and/or desire as if you have already received it will help you to get your mind off the worry, and keep it focused on your goal.
I have written before about gratitude, but I’d like to repeat that gratitude will dramatically cut the time it takes to get what you desire, and it will dissolve a lot of obstacles toward getting the results you’d like to create using self-hypnosis.
You can thank your subconscious mind, your unconscious mind, God, universe – or whatever you like to refer to the power and intelligence within you and all around you that is able and knows how to bring into manifestation every one of your heart’s desires.
Sometimes what you ask for may come into your life in a slightly different form than what you envisioned. It is important to notice and acknowledge that what you asked for has in some form manifested for you.
Sometimes what you ask for may be even better than what you asked for (vividly imagined in self-hypnosis).
Sometimes what you ask for may be a far cry from what you wanted. It may be just a signal that what you asked for is on its way. Now is not the time to give up, but to keep on thanking that what you desire or even something better is on its way.
You may also want to re-examine your beliefs, doubts, worries, insecurities, feelings that you don’t quite deserve what you asked for, that it would be too good for you, or perhaps that after all, you don’t really want what you asked for.
Remember that your outer-world experiences only reflect what’s in your mind, so if you don’t like what you’re experiencing, all you need to do is change your mind about it. If you expect only the best in life, and keep on thanking your mind and the universe (God) for giving you the best, in joyful expectation of these experiences – your outer-world experiences will reflect this.
Acknowledge that everything that happens in your life is forever moving you toward the realization of your goals.
5 Steps To Staying Mentally Sharp And Preventing Alzheimer's Disease
If you want to stay sharp and in control of your life well into your golden years, there are proactive methods to achieving the mental alertness you need. More and more research is pointing to the fact that physical activity and lifestyle choices have more to do with preventing Alzheimer s disease (AD) and other forms of dementia - once thought to be a normal part of aging - than pure genetics. So if you had a parent, grandparent or sibling with AD it doesn't mean you have to follow the same path.
Statistics gathered from extensive research do point toward a higher risk of developing AD if you had a close relative with AD - as much as 50%, but that has less to do with genes and more to do with following their lifestyle patterns. If for example, your parents were smokers who rarely exercised, you may have developed some of the same destructive habits.
What can you do to break the cycle and prevent AD? Take action and take control today. Even if you are in your 60s or 70s you can reverse some of the damage done to your brain through poor diet, inactivity, or damaging lifestyle choices. Scientists have discovered very recently that the brain has the ability to repair cells and neurotransmitters and improve cognitive function and memory.
It's Not Too Late to Make A Difference: Start the 5 Steps Today
1. Eat Right. It seems so simple, yet too many people just don't get enough of the mind preserving antioxidants found in fresh fruits and vegetables. A well-balanced diet, free of diary products and using low fat sources of protein will protect both heart and mind.
2. Supplement where necessary. Many diets lack the nutrients proven to promote brain health. These include sources of essential fatty acids found in fish and specific herbs and minerals that can enhance cognitive function.
3. Exercise. Originally it was thought that exercise increases blood flow and oxygen to the brain cells. This is still true, but a report prepared for the National Institutes of Health states that exercise can also stimulate the production growth factors, which are molecules produced by the body to repair and maintain nerves.
4. Lower Your Cholesterol. Many people with early dementia or AD symptoms may have actually experienced small strokes that damaged the brain's neurotransmitters. By keeping cholesterol levels in check, the arteries are free and clear of plaque that can cause stroke.
5. Do your Mental Exercises. Keeping up with current events, working puzzles each day, learning and memorizing new information all work to keeping a mind strong and alert. It is normal for people to sometimes forget a name or date, but the more practice recalling such information the greater the brain's ability to do this throughout old age. In the case of mental challenges, the more you do the more you can push back the clock on cognitive decline.
Five easy steps, when you think about it, can do much to make aging an event to celebrate instead of dread. With age there comes experience and wisdom, and we should all do whatever is within our power to be able to pass that on to the next generation.
Statistics gathered from extensive research do point toward a higher risk of developing AD if you had a close relative with AD - as much as 50%, but that has less to do with genes and more to do with following their lifestyle patterns. If for example, your parents were smokers who rarely exercised, you may have developed some of the same destructive habits.
What can you do to break the cycle and prevent AD? Take action and take control today. Even if you are in your 60s or 70s you can reverse some of the damage done to your brain through poor diet, inactivity, or damaging lifestyle choices. Scientists have discovered very recently that the brain has the ability to repair cells and neurotransmitters and improve cognitive function and memory.
It's Not Too Late to Make A Difference: Start the 5 Steps Today
1. Eat Right. It seems so simple, yet too many people just don't get enough of the mind preserving antioxidants found in fresh fruits and vegetables. A well-balanced diet, free of diary products and using low fat sources of protein will protect both heart and mind.
2. Supplement where necessary. Many diets lack the nutrients proven to promote brain health. These include sources of essential fatty acids found in fish and specific herbs and minerals that can enhance cognitive function.
3. Exercise. Originally it was thought that exercise increases blood flow and oxygen to the brain cells. This is still true, but a report prepared for the National Institutes of Health states that exercise can also stimulate the production growth factors, which are molecules produced by the body to repair and maintain nerves.
4. Lower Your Cholesterol. Many people with early dementia or AD symptoms may have actually experienced small strokes that damaged the brain's neurotransmitters. By keeping cholesterol levels in check, the arteries are free and clear of plaque that can cause stroke.
5. Do your Mental Exercises. Keeping up with current events, working puzzles each day, learning and memorizing new information all work to keeping a mind strong and alert. It is normal for people to sometimes forget a name or date, but the more practice recalling such information the greater the brain's ability to do this throughout old age. In the case of mental challenges, the more you do the more you can push back the clock on cognitive decline.
Five easy steps, when you think about it, can do much to make aging an event to celebrate instead of dread. With age there comes experience and wisdom, and we should all do whatever is within our power to be able to pass that on to the next generation.
Tuesday, June 16, 2020
5 Snoring Treatment Tips
If like me you sound like a bear growling a cave when your asleep, then you will no that snoring has a big impact on life. Regardless of the health issues (which are significant), snoring can play havoc with your relationship.
If you are at you wits end with being woken up every hour either to the sound of your own snoring, or being dug in the back and told to “Roll Over”; or if you are the long suffering sufferer of a snorer, then read over these five tips to snoring treatment.
Take a look at your diet. Although this probably won’t be the complete snoring treatment answer, it is worth starting with what you’re eating and drinking. You could well have intolerance to certain foods which affects your breathing, especially when lying on you back. For example, too much (or an intolerance to) dairy produce is likely to cause you to become blocked up with mucus, when horizontal, this collects causing heavy breathing and snoring. Alcohol is another common offender.
Being overweight is another significant contributor. Excess weight in the neck and chest puts pressure on the breathing passage.
Sleep on you side or front. Now this is easier said than done, because it’s hard to control your sleeping position when you are asleep! However, there is an old trick that may be worth considering. You could sow a walnut, table tennis ball or similar size object into the back of a shirt and wear that in bed. Each time you roll on your back it will dig into you, causing you to roll back again – providing you don’t take your shirt of in your sleep.
Use nasal strips. I found these to be very helpful, at least to start with. Nasal strips (often used by athletes) open the air passage for you, thus removing or preventing blockages. If your desperate it’s worth a try, but the cost can add up over the days, months and years.
I’ve saved the best until last. Exercising the muscles in your throat, tongue and doing breathing exercises can completely cure your snoring.
If you are at you wits end with being woken up every hour either to the sound of your own snoring, or being dug in the back and told to “Roll Over”; or if you are the long suffering sufferer of a snorer, then read over these five tips to snoring treatment.
Take a look at your diet. Although this probably won’t be the complete snoring treatment answer, it is worth starting with what you’re eating and drinking. You could well have intolerance to certain foods which affects your breathing, especially when lying on you back. For example, too much (or an intolerance to) dairy produce is likely to cause you to become blocked up with mucus, when horizontal, this collects causing heavy breathing and snoring. Alcohol is another common offender.
Being overweight is another significant contributor. Excess weight in the neck and chest puts pressure on the breathing passage.
Sleep on you side or front. Now this is easier said than done, because it’s hard to control your sleeping position when you are asleep! However, there is an old trick that may be worth considering. You could sow a walnut, table tennis ball or similar size object into the back of a shirt and wear that in bed. Each time you roll on your back it will dig into you, causing you to roll back again – providing you don’t take your shirt of in your sleep.
Use nasal strips. I found these to be very helpful, at least to start with. Nasal strips (often used by athletes) open the air passage for you, thus removing or preventing blockages. If your desperate it’s worth a try, but the cost can add up over the days, months and years.
I’ve saved the best until last. Exercising the muscles in your throat, tongue and doing breathing exercises can completely cure your snoring.
5 Sensitive Skin Care Tips
A lot of people claim that they have sensitive skin when they break out after using a certain product or were exposed to the sun. However, most of than not, the culprits behind the blotchy skin and zits are using inappropriate products for one's skin type and bad skin habits. If you are one of the many who break out or itch after sun exposure or using a product, it is a good idea to determine if sensitive skin is really the cause or something else.
How to tell if you have sensitive skin?
Generally, sensitive skin is thin with visible broken capillaries under the skin's surface. Sensitive skin also has fine pores. When exposed to moderate changes in temperature, sensitive skin reddens easily, whether from cold or heat. Sensitive skin tends to rash easily when exposed to dirt or even moderate strength skin care products. If your skin manifests these signs, chances are high that you really have sensitive skin. For a thorough skin assessment, a visit to a dermatologist is in order.
Since caring for sensitive skin can be quite difficult, it is advisable to limit the use of skin care products. Generally, simple skin care regimens are more effective on sensitive skin since it prevents product overload. Sensitive skin care relies on strengthening the skin to reduce sensitivity and increase tolerance.
How to care for sensitive skin?
1. Hydrate your skin.
Sensitive skin is prone to dryness which can lead to increased sensitivity. Drinking eight or more glasses of water and applying a lightweight and hypoallergenic moisturizer a day can help restore your skin's moisture or lipid barrier that acts as defense mechanism against allergens.
2. Eat skin-friendly food.
Fruits, vegetables, and other water-rich foods are essential in correcting skin imbalances. The vitamin, mineral, and water content of these foods hydrate your skin and restore its health. On the other hand, eating spicy food and drinking alcohol and caffeinated drinks can increase your skin's sensitivity.
3. Limit sun exposure.
Sun exposure can cause sensitive skin to redden and burn easily. Before going out, apply sun protection on your face using sunscreen and on your body with sunblock lotion. You can extend the protection to your lips to prevent them from darkening. Applying an SPF-rich lip balm under your lipstick or gloss can help protect your lips. Umbrellas, sunglasses, and hats protect your body, eyes, and face from overexposure to the sun.
4. Protect skin at all times.
Even when you are indoors, your skin still needs protection. If you are staying in an airconditioned room or one with forced heating, apply a lightweight moisturizer frequently. this will prevent your skin from drying out due to the extreme temperatures.
5. Avoid products with artificial colorants and synthetic fragrances.
Colorants and fragrances are added to skin care products only for increasing marketing appeal. Your skin do not actually benefit from these additions. Often, they even cause allergic reactions and increase your skin's sensitivity.
Aside from these tips, it is also a good idea to switch to skin care products that are specially formulated for sensitive skin. A thorough skin assessment and consultation with a dermatologist can reveal to you skin care techniques and products that can help strengthen your skin and minimize its sensitivity.
How to tell if you have sensitive skin?
Generally, sensitive skin is thin with visible broken capillaries under the skin's surface. Sensitive skin also has fine pores. When exposed to moderate changes in temperature, sensitive skin reddens easily, whether from cold or heat. Sensitive skin tends to rash easily when exposed to dirt or even moderate strength skin care products. If your skin manifests these signs, chances are high that you really have sensitive skin. For a thorough skin assessment, a visit to a dermatologist is in order.
Since caring for sensitive skin can be quite difficult, it is advisable to limit the use of skin care products. Generally, simple skin care regimens are more effective on sensitive skin since it prevents product overload. Sensitive skin care relies on strengthening the skin to reduce sensitivity and increase tolerance.
How to care for sensitive skin?
1. Hydrate your skin.
Sensitive skin is prone to dryness which can lead to increased sensitivity. Drinking eight or more glasses of water and applying a lightweight and hypoallergenic moisturizer a day can help restore your skin's moisture or lipid barrier that acts as defense mechanism against allergens.
2. Eat skin-friendly food.
Fruits, vegetables, and other water-rich foods are essential in correcting skin imbalances. The vitamin, mineral, and water content of these foods hydrate your skin and restore its health. On the other hand, eating spicy food and drinking alcohol and caffeinated drinks can increase your skin's sensitivity.
3. Limit sun exposure.
Sun exposure can cause sensitive skin to redden and burn easily. Before going out, apply sun protection on your face using sunscreen and on your body with sunblock lotion. You can extend the protection to your lips to prevent them from darkening. Applying an SPF-rich lip balm under your lipstick or gloss can help protect your lips. Umbrellas, sunglasses, and hats protect your body, eyes, and face from overexposure to the sun.
4. Protect skin at all times.
Even when you are indoors, your skin still needs protection. If you are staying in an airconditioned room or one with forced heating, apply a lightweight moisturizer frequently. this will prevent your skin from drying out due to the extreme temperatures.
5. Avoid products with artificial colorants and synthetic fragrances.
Colorants and fragrances are added to skin care products only for increasing marketing appeal. Your skin do not actually benefit from these additions. Often, they even cause allergic reactions and increase your skin's sensitivity.
Aside from these tips, it is also a good idea to switch to skin care products that are specially formulated for sensitive skin. A thorough skin assessment and consultation with a dermatologist can reveal to you skin care techniques and products that can help strengthen your skin and minimize its sensitivity.
Monday, June 15, 2020
5 Reasons You Can Get Pregnant While On Birth Control
Most women rely on popular contraception methods like birth control pills and condoms to prevent unplanned pregnancies. Although the Pill and most common forms of contraception used by men and women are highly reliable in preventing pregnancies, there is still the possibility of getting pregnant while on birth control albeit being very minimal. Below are five reasons that may cause pregnancies while on birth control:
Improper use of chosen contraception method
Most contraception and birth control methods are almost a hundred percent pregnancy-proof. Human error plays a large part why unplanned pregnancies occur among people practicing birth control.
One such example is the improper use of the Pill. The Pill must be taken at exactly the same time everyday. Forgetting or being late in taking a scheduled Pill intake and having unprotected sex can cause a pregnancy. Also, since the Pill is taken in cycles, a disruption in the cycle caused by missed birth control pills can be tricky to correct and cause an unplanned pregnancy without a backup or alternative form of birth control.
Condoms are also prone to misuse. Not taking the air out of the condom before putting it on can cause it to burst due the friction created by the intercourse. Also, using a condom that does not fit well can cause it to burst or slide and spill the semen during intercourse.
Diaphragms, cervical caps, and IUDs, on the other hand, need to be checked at least once a month for proper positioning. Misalignment or improper coverage can provide little pathways for the sperm to reach the egg and start the conception process.
Inconsistent usage of contraception methods
Inconsistency in the use of contraception methods also contribute to the number of unplanned pregnancies that occur while on birth control. Missed birth control pills or having unprotected sex without condoms “just this one time,” is enough to cause a pregnancy. Since sperm can live inside the woman's reproductive system for days, having just one unprotected encounter is enough to cause a pregnancy even if the succeeding sexual intercourse made use of contraceptives.
Other antibiotic medications
Taking antibiotic medications have been found to affect and interfere with the efficacy of birth control pills. Antibiotic medications can decrease the levels of steriod plasma concentrations in the pills which can drastically alter their effects. If pills are taken along with antibiotic medication, it is advised that women and their partners use backup birth control methods to augment the decreased efficacy of the pills. Backup contraceptives can come in the form of sperm gels, creams, and condoms.
Broken condoms and other barrier methods
Breakage is the prime cause of failure for barrier methods of contraception. Broken condoms and other barrier methods provide a way for the sperm to escape and reach the egg. Condoms are usually broken due to the increased friction and pressure during intercourse. Using the right-sized condoms and proper latex-safe lubricants can help minimize condom ruptures. Other barrier methods can benefit from monthly checkups to assess and maintain the right fit.
Believing there is a safe time for unprotected sex
There is never a safe time for unprotected sex. Studies have shown that while most women get pregnant during their mid-cycle or fertile days, some also get pregnant on days that normally considered as non-fertile. As such, it is advised that protection should always be used whenever one has sex to prevent unplanned pregnancies.
Improper use of chosen contraception method
Most contraception and birth control methods are almost a hundred percent pregnancy-proof. Human error plays a large part why unplanned pregnancies occur among people practicing birth control.
One such example is the improper use of the Pill. The Pill must be taken at exactly the same time everyday. Forgetting or being late in taking a scheduled Pill intake and having unprotected sex can cause a pregnancy. Also, since the Pill is taken in cycles, a disruption in the cycle caused by missed birth control pills can be tricky to correct and cause an unplanned pregnancy without a backup or alternative form of birth control.
Condoms are also prone to misuse. Not taking the air out of the condom before putting it on can cause it to burst due the friction created by the intercourse. Also, using a condom that does not fit well can cause it to burst or slide and spill the semen during intercourse.
Diaphragms, cervical caps, and IUDs, on the other hand, need to be checked at least once a month for proper positioning. Misalignment or improper coverage can provide little pathways for the sperm to reach the egg and start the conception process.
Inconsistent usage of contraception methods
Inconsistency in the use of contraception methods also contribute to the number of unplanned pregnancies that occur while on birth control. Missed birth control pills or having unprotected sex without condoms “just this one time,” is enough to cause a pregnancy. Since sperm can live inside the woman's reproductive system for days, having just one unprotected encounter is enough to cause a pregnancy even if the succeeding sexual intercourse made use of contraceptives.
Other antibiotic medications
Taking antibiotic medications have been found to affect and interfere with the efficacy of birth control pills. Antibiotic medications can decrease the levels of steriod plasma concentrations in the pills which can drastically alter their effects. If pills are taken along with antibiotic medication, it is advised that women and their partners use backup birth control methods to augment the decreased efficacy of the pills. Backup contraceptives can come in the form of sperm gels, creams, and condoms.
Broken condoms and other barrier methods
Breakage is the prime cause of failure for barrier methods of contraception. Broken condoms and other barrier methods provide a way for the sperm to escape and reach the egg. Condoms are usually broken due to the increased friction and pressure during intercourse. Using the right-sized condoms and proper latex-safe lubricants can help minimize condom ruptures. Other barrier methods can benefit from monthly checkups to assess and maintain the right fit.
Believing there is a safe time for unprotected sex
There is never a safe time for unprotected sex. Studies have shown that while most women get pregnant during their mid-cycle or fertile days, some also get pregnant on days that normally considered as non-fertile. As such, it is advised that protection should always be used whenever one has sex to prevent unplanned pregnancies.
5 Hot Reasons to Buy a Home Device for Low Level Laser Therapy
Low level laser therapy provides a refreshing alternative to many pain relief and healing methods as well as stress-relieving relaxation techniques. With a low level laser, or cold laser, patients can receive relief from many ailments using a cold, safe laser light that doesn't burn or harm the skin.
Common names for the low level laser are cold laser, soft laser, quantum healing laser, and therapeutic laser. There are also various types of lasers based on certain technology and research, such as the Scalar wave laser.
Until recently, you would most likely have to visit a doctor's office to receive the speedy relief of this amazing technology. But now you can enjoy low level laser therapy in the comfort of your own home. Here are five hot reasons to buy a home device for low level laser therapy.
1. Save Money for Ongoing Health Needs
Ongoing low level laser therapy administered by a doctor can range from $50 to $100 per visit. Though some therapies must be given by a doctor for certain conditions, most soft laser therapies can be performed at home. If you have ongoing conditions that require multiple therapy sessions, an in-home device can save you many dollars in the long run. Also, you'll have your low level laser device for future use whenever you need it.
2. Reclaim Your Health without Dangerous Side Effects
With low level laser therapy, you can avoid many dangerous side effects while reclaiming your health. Many medications, treatments, and surgeries affect your body in negative ways as it heals. Side effects such as vomiting and nausea, soreness, headaches, and allergies can all be just as taunting as the condition itself. Cold lasers do not typically cause negative side effects such as these. Instead, they promote healthy healing in which the body's cells are actively involved in the healing process.
Some of the health conditions that can be improved or alleviated with cold laser therapy include arthritis, neck and back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, sprains, ulcers, burns, acne, shingles, fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis, and many others. Injuries can heal faster, tissues are repaired, and the immune system can be improved as well.
3. Save Time while Improving Your Health
With a home low level laser device, you'll save time and energy by being able to do the therapy at home. You can choose the time for your therapy when it's convenient for you. You won't be at the mercy of a doctor's office schedule. You won't have to miss a day of work to keep a therapy appointment. You can easily administer your own quantum healing laser therapy when you want, and you don't have to be an expert to do it!
4. Relieve Stress and Find Balance in Your Life
Soft lasers are also very useful in relieving stress. During low level laser therapy, the soft laser naturally helps your body reach a balanced state with all cells, glands, and organs working harmoniously together. The therapy helps you to unwind and relieve tension and stress at the end of a hard day. It also rejuvenates your body so it can heal while you relax! You'll feel better and sleep better as your body is finally able to deal with daily stresses the natural way.
5. Potentially Avoid Certain Medications and/or Treatments by Using the Cold Laser Alternative
Another hot reason to get a home low level laser device is you may be able to avoid certain medications and treatments. When your body is able to heal itself through healthy cell regeneration, you may no longer need certain pain medications to cover up the pain. This can help you feel better overall and save money too! For example, if you normally take pain pills several times per day to help with arthritis, you can stop taking these once the pain is gone. Note: You should consult with your medical doctor before discontinuing any prescription medications.
Low level laser therapy can be a worthy addition to your home healthcare products. Check out an online retailer to find home laser devices such as the Scalar wave laser at affordable prices. Also, be sure to follow all cold laser instructions or training carefully to enjoy maximum health benefits for years to come!
Common names for the low level laser are cold laser, soft laser, quantum healing laser, and therapeutic laser. There are also various types of lasers based on certain technology and research, such as the Scalar wave laser.
Until recently, you would most likely have to visit a doctor's office to receive the speedy relief of this amazing technology. But now you can enjoy low level laser therapy in the comfort of your own home. Here are five hot reasons to buy a home device for low level laser therapy.
1. Save Money for Ongoing Health Needs
Ongoing low level laser therapy administered by a doctor can range from $50 to $100 per visit. Though some therapies must be given by a doctor for certain conditions, most soft laser therapies can be performed at home. If you have ongoing conditions that require multiple therapy sessions, an in-home device can save you many dollars in the long run. Also, you'll have your low level laser device for future use whenever you need it.
2. Reclaim Your Health without Dangerous Side Effects
With low level laser therapy, you can avoid many dangerous side effects while reclaiming your health. Many medications, treatments, and surgeries affect your body in negative ways as it heals. Side effects such as vomiting and nausea, soreness, headaches, and allergies can all be just as taunting as the condition itself. Cold lasers do not typically cause negative side effects such as these. Instead, they promote healthy healing in which the body's cells are actively involved in the healing process.
Some of the health conditions that can be improved or alleviated with cold laser therapy include arthritis, neck and back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, sprains, ulcers, burns, acne, shingles, fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis, and many others. Injuries can heal faster, tissues are repaired, and the immune system can be improved as well.
3. Save Time while Improving Your Health
With a home low level laser device, you'll save time and energy by being able to do the therapy at home. You can choose the time for your therapy when it's convenient for you. You won't be at the mercy of a doctor's office schedule. You won't have to miss a day of work to keep a therapy appointment. You can easily administer your own quantum healing laser therapy when you want, and you don't have to be an expert to do it!
4. Relieve Stress and Find Balance in Your Life
Soft lasers are also very useful in relieving stress. During low level laser therapy, the soft laser naturally helps your body reach a balanced state with all cells, glands, and organs working harmoniously together. The therapy helps you to unwind and relieve tension and stress at the end of a hard day. It also rejuvenates your body so it can heal while you relax! You'll feel better and sleep better as your body is finally able to deal with daily stresses the natural way.
5. Potentially Avoid Certain Medications and/or Treatments by Using the Cold Laser Alternative
Another hot reason to get a home low level laser device is you may be able to avoid certain medications and treatments. When your body is able to heal itself through healthy cell regeneration, you may no longer need certain pain medications to cover up the pain. This can help you feel better overall and save money too! For example, if you normally take pain pills several times per day to help with arthritis, you can stop taking these once the pain is gone. Note: You should consult with your medical doctor before discontinuing any prescription medications.
Low level laser therapy can be a worthy addition to your home healthcare products. Check out an online retailer to find home laser devices such as the Scalar wave laser at affordable prices. Also, be sure to follow all cold laser instructions or training carefully to enjoy maximum health benefits for years to come!
Sunday, June 14, 2020
5 Healthy Benefits of Following a Mediterranean Diet Plan
The Mediterranean diet has been around for centuries, but if you don't live in countries where this diet is prevalent such as Greece or Italy, you may not realize the many benefits of eating healthy foods "Mediterranean" style. According to studies, the Mediterranean diet encourages healthy weight loss and helps to reduce risks of many life-threatening diseases. Below are five of the top benefits of following this diet.
1. Fast Weight Loss
One of the key benefits of the Mediterranean diet is fast weight loss. This is not from the results of a diet pill or a crash starvation diet, but from healthy, portion-controlled eating. Weight loss rates will vary, but some have reported losing an average of 10 pounds per month. Delicious diet recipes are often provided when following the Mediterranean diet that help to speed up the weight loss process without depriving you of much needed vitamins and nutrients. Losing weight alone can offer many health benefits.
2. Good Heart Health
The delicious diet recipes provided while following a Mediterranean diet are all designed to promote good heart health. The Mediterranean diet consists of healthy doses of olive oil, fruits and vegetables, and oily fish. With some participants, a moderate amount of wine is consumed with meals. All these help to lower cholesterol and keep the blood flow to the heart at a normal level, thus, reducing the risk of heart disease tremendously.
3. Lower Cancer Risks
Having too many toxins in the body can cause some types of cancer, such as breast cancer. Eating the types of healthy foods promoted in the Mediterranean diet such as fruits and vegetables will lower the amount of toxins in the body because these foods are natural antioxidants.
4. Prevent Gallstones
Those who have fallen victim to gall stones realize how painful they can be. With around 639,000 people being hospitalized per year with gallstones, many studies are being conducted to help find a cause and cure. The Mediterranean diet is rich in nuts, vegetable oil, and fish. Though gallstones are not always diet-related, consuming these foods can help to reduce the risk of gall stones or eliminate them altogether for some according to recent studies.
5. Lower Blood Pressure
The healthy foods in a Mediterranean diet can also work to lower and regulate blood pressure. Blood cholesterol levels can return to normal when eating less fatty foods and salt, and more healthy vitamins and minerals. Cooking procedures on a Mediterranean diet usually involve roasting or grilling rather than frying, so more nutrients are retained in the food during preparation, and there is much less fat consumption.
These are only a few of the benefits. The Mediterranean diet also offers many other benefits such as reducing the risks of blood clotting, diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome, and other life-threatening diseases. Don't deprive yourself. Start eating delicious diet recipes on the Mediterranean diet for healthy weight loss today.
1. Fast Weight Loss
One of the key benefits of the Mediterranean diet is fast weight loss. This is not from the results of a diet pill or a crash starvation diet, but from healthy, portion-controlled eating. Weight loss rates will vary, but some have reported losing an average of 10 pounds per month. Delicious diet recipes are often provided when following the Mediterranean diet that help to speed up the weight loss process without depriving you of much needed vitamins and nutrients. Losing weight alone can offer many health benefits.
2. Good Heart Health
The delicious diet recipes provided while following a Mediterranean diet are all designed to promote good heart health. The Mediterranean diet consists of healthy doses of olive oil, fruits and vegetables, and oily fish. With some participants, a moderate amount of wine is consumed with meals. All these help to lower cholesterol and keep the blood flow to the heart at a normal level, thus, reducing the risk of heart disease tremendously.
3. Lower Cancer Risks
Having too many toxins in the body can cause some types of cancer, such as breast cancer. Eating the types of healthy foods promoted in the Mediterranean diet such as fruits and vegetables will lower the amount of toxins in the body because these foods are natural antioxidants.
4. Prevent Gallstones
Those who have fallen victim to gall stones realize how painful they can be. With around 639,000 people being hospitalized per year with gallstones, many studies are being conducted to help find a cause and cure. The Mediterranean diet is rich in nuts, vegetable oil, and fish. Though gallstones are not always diet-related, consuming these foods can help to reduce the risk of gall stones or eliminate them altogether for some according to recent studies.
5. Lower Blood Pressure
The healthy foods in a Mediterranean diet can also work to lower and regulate blood pressure. Blood cholesterol levels can return to normal when eating less fatty foods and salt, and more healthy vitamins and minerals. Cooking procedures on a Mediterranean diet usually involve roasting or grilling rather than frying, so more nutrients are retained in the food during preparation, and there is much less fat consumption.
These are only a few of the benefits. The Mediterranean diet also offers many other benefits such as reducing the risks of blood clotting, diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome, and other life-threatening diseases. Don't deprive yourself. Start eating delicious diet recipes on the Mediterranean diet for healthy weight loss today.
5 Great Tips For Your Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures
We all want to have great cosmetic dentistry procedures and when leaving the dentist, tell him how happy we are with the great results. In order to achieve this you will have to do your homework in time.
I will outline here some of the best tips I know to help you start with this and make sure you will avoid any bad results.
Tip 1. You can always ask your dentist to show you some before and after photos so you can make an idea of how your dentist worked before on other patients.
Some dentists also have this kind of cosmetic dentistry pictures for sale. You just have to ask.
Tip 2. Before starting your cosmetic dentistry procedure you will have to make sure that what you want and/or need is the same as what your dentist will do.
In order to make sure of this you will need to have a great communication with your dentist. You don't want to have a bad experience and see at the end that
you ended up with something you don't like.
Tip 3. Another great thing that you can do, both for you and your dentist, is to bring with you photos that show your expected results. This way your dentist
will know exactly what you have in mind, what you desire.
Tip 4. Never allow a dentist to start prepping your teeths without first having a functional wax-up done for you so you can see exactly how your teeth will
look after your treatment. This functional wax-up is prepared in the laboratory in order to be approved by you.
Tip 5. Large ammounts of money are spent each and every year by companies that market their cosmetic dentistry products. You should not belive everything you
see in commercials on TV. Always try to research each product or firm you want to use, on the internet. Search for reviews and anything you might find to make an exact idea of anything you might use.
I've outlined this great tips to help you with your cosmetic dentistry procedures. Always be aware of when you want to choose cosmetic dentistry.
I will outline here some of the best tips I know to help you start with this and make sure you will avoid any bad results.
Tip 1. You can always ask your dentist to show you some before and after photos so you can make an idea of how your dentist worked before on other patients.
Some dentists also have this kind of cosmetic dentistry pictures for sale. You just have to ask.
Tip 2. Before starting your cosmetic dentistry procedure you will have to make sure that what you want and/or need is the same as what your dentist will do.
In order to make sure of this you will need to have a great communication with your dentist. You don't want to have a bad experience and see at the end that
you ended up with something you don't like.
Tip 3. Another great thing that you can do, both for you and your dentist, is to bring with you photos that show your expected results. This way your dentist
will know exactly what you have in mind, what you desire.
Tip 4. Never allow a dentist to start prepping your teeths without first having a functional wax-up done for you so you can see exactly how your teeth will
look after your treatment. This functional wax-up is prepared in the laboratory in order to be approved by you.
Tip 5. Large ammounts of money are spent each and every year by companies that market their cosmetic dentistry products. You should not belive everything you
see in commercials on TV. Always try to research each product or firm you want to use, on the internet. Search for reviews and anything you might find to make an exact idea of anything you might use.
I've outlined this great tips to help you with your cosmetic dentistry procedures. Always be aware of when you want to choose cosmetic dentistry.
Saturday, June 13, 2020
5 Factors Affecting The Cost Of Laser Hair Removal
Laser hair removal is gaining popularity as a method of permanent hair removal. Permanent hair removal saves the time, cost and hassle of waxing, shaving or using crème hair removal products. The cost of laser hair removal can be high, but depends on several factors.
What is the Cost of Laser Hair Removal?
This is the most commonly asked question by people considering laser hair removal. The price depends on several factors. You should expect to have several sessions with the laser. Even in smaller areas, each follicle needs to be hit during its growth phase. This will take a few sessions, as not all follicles are ever in the growth phase together.
Although laser hair removal prices can be high, many people find the cost worth it to have the unwanted hair removed permanently. In many cases, the cost is in the range of other permanent hair removal techniques. Laser isn’t more expensive than the cost of electrolysis. Consider what you spend now for hair removal. Over time, you will save money on the cost of body waxing or depilatory products.
5 Factors Affecting the Cost
1. The size of the area being treated. The laser can be used on any area of the body, excluding the eye area. Smaller areas, such as the pubic region, require less time than larger areas, such as the legs, chest or back.
2. The area of the country where you live helps determine the cost. Sessions range from $300 to $500 per session, depending on where you live.
3. The number of sessions you will need. This will be discussed during your consultation. Four sessions is common, but it could be anywhere from three to six sessions.
4. The color of your hair and skin is a major factor in the cost of laser treatments. Because the energy from the laser is absorbed by the pigment in the hair, it’s best if your hair is darker than your skin tone. Dark hair on light skin responds best to treatment. The procedure is least effective on blonde or red hair. Several sessions will be required and the results may not be consistent.
5. The color of your skin is another factor that will affect the cost. Very dark skin isn’t a good candidate for laser hair removal. The energy from the laser is absorbed by the pigment in the skin. In extreme cases, this can result in burns or skin damage. For this reason, you should not have a suntan when you sit for laser hair removal. Avoid tanning for a month before the procedure to give your tan time to fade.
Choosing a Facility on the Cost of Laser Hair Removal
You should never choose a facility based solely on cost. This is not a cosmetic procedure, but a medical one. You want a highly trained and experienced person handling the laser. You may find discount clinics offering this service. Be suspicious of this type of clinic. A clinic with a well respected and experienced staff generally doesn’t offer deep discounts. You don’t choose your other medical care based only on cost, so you shouldn’t do this will laser hair removal either.
Choose a clinic based on the qualifications of the medical director and the experience of the staff. Look for a doctor that is Board Certified in Dermatology and who has had training and experience with the laser. The better clinics have more than one board certified doctor on staff. The atmosphere of the office should be professional.
Ask about the experience of the person performing the procedure. Most states require a physician or a RN under the supervision of a physician. Ask about the number of procedures and any adverse reactions that have occurred. If possible, speak to a few former patients about their experience.
What is the Cost of Laser Hair Removal?
This is the most commonly asked question by people considering laser hair removal. The price depends on several factors. You should expect to have several sessions with the laser. Even in smaller areas, each follicle needs to be hit during its growth phase. This will take a few sessions, as not all follicles are ever in the growth phase together.
Although laser hair removal prices can be high, many people find the cost worth it to have the unwanted hair removed permanently. In many cases, the cost is in the range of other permanent hair removal techniques. Laser isn’t more expensive than the cost of electrolysis. Consider what you spend now for hair removal. Over time, you will save money on the cost of body waxing or depilatory products.
5 Factors Affecting the Cost
1. The size of the area being treated. The laser can be used on any area of the body, excluding the eye area. Smaller areas, such as the pubic region, require less time than larger areas, such as the legs, chest or back.
2. The area of the country where you live helps determine the cost. Sessions range from $300 to $500 per session, depending on where you live.
3. The number of sessions you will need. This will be discussed during your consultation. Four sessions is common, but it could be anywhere from three to six sessions.
4. The color of your hair and skin is a major factor in the cost of laser treatments. Because the energy from the laser is absorbed by the pigment in the hair, it’s best if your hair is darker than your skin tone. Dark hair on light skin responds best to treatment. The procedure is least effective on blonde or red hair. Several sessions will be required and the results may not be consistent.
5. The color of your skin is another factor that will affect the cost. Very dark skin isn’t a good candidate for laser hair removal. The energy from the laser is absorbed by the pigment in the skin. In extreme cases, this can result in burns or skin damage. For this reason, you should not have a suntan when you sit for laser hair removal. Avoid tanning for a month before the procedure to give your tan time to fade.
Choosing a Facility on the Cost of Laser Hair Removal
You should never choose a facility based solely on cost. This is not a cosmetic procedure, but a medical one. You want a highly trained and experienced person handling the laser. You may find discount clinics offering this service. Be suspicious of this type of clinic. A clinic with a well respected and experienced staff generally doesn’t offer deep discounts. You don’t choose your other medical care based only on cost, so you shouldn’t do this will laser hair removal either.
Choose a clinic based on the qualifications of the medical director and the experience of the staff. Look for a doctor that is Board Certified in Dermatology and who has had training and experience with the laser. The better clinics have more than one board certified doctor on staff. The atmosphere of the office should be professional.
Ask about the experience of the person performing the procedure. Most states require a physician or a RN under the supervision of a physician. Ask about the number of procedures and any adverse reactions that have occurred. If possible, speak to a few former patients about their experience.
5 Easy Ways to Lower Blood Pressure Using 1 Great Fruit
Have you had your lycopene today? If you ate a green salad with fresh chopped tomatoes, then you not only got a healthy dose of this powerful antioxidant, but you have also taken significant action toward lowering your blood pressure. A recent double-blind study conducted in Israel has confirmed what hearth-healthy Italians have enjoyed for centuries – tomatoes (and tomato sauce) lower blood pressure and the risk of heart disease.
The Israeli study was led up by Dr. Esther Paran, head of the hypertension division of Soroka Medical Center. It involved patients who were already being treated for hypertension, but were not responding well to the medications. Dr. Paran had patients take a supplement of tomato extract. The results were a significant drop in blood pressure after just four weeks.
Tomatoes are so effective at lowering blood pressure because they contain lycopene. This potent antioxidant is even the focus of some hybrid tomatoes grown by the Israeli company, Lycomato, in order to have higher concentrations of lycopene in each piece of fruit. Other antioxidants found in tomatoes make this one super-food in the prevention of heart disease. It can even help keep LDL cholesterol from oxidizing which makes it stick to the arteries and narrow the passage way causing blood pressure to increase.
Even during the peak growing season it can be difficult to consume four whole tomatoes each day, which is the recommended amount for having a positive impact on blood pressure. Here are some ways to get the benefits of tomatoes without having to eat them straight off the vine.
1. Make Chili. Using tomato puree, which is a concentrated form of tomatoes, as the base for your chili utilizes the antioxidants without the bulk of a whole tomato. Add some ultra-lean and high protein ground bison and kidney beans with minced garlic and onions, and cayenne pepper and you have a heart-healthy main course and a full day’s allowance of tomato.
2. Since using olive oil with the tomatoes enhances the curative quality, make your pasta sauce red with tomatoes, tomato paste and olive oil to sauté the garlic and onion. Tomato paste used in making sauce contains more than 10 times the nutrients of a single tomato.
3. Have a fresh salad as a side dish to either of these entrees and cut one whole tomato on top. You’ll get one-quarter of you tomato intake right there.
4. Drink tomato juice. It is better to make your own fresh juice so that you can control the sodium. Store bought juices can be high in sugar and sodium-based preservatives. If you have a juicer, you can make some incredible veggie juices to suit your own tastes by adding carrots, celery and some low-sodium seasonings.
5. Take a tomato supplement. If you just can’t stomach tomatoes, then a 200 mg supplement provides the equivalent of more than the recommended four tomatoes.
Adding tomatoes to your diet can reduce systolic blood pressure by 10 points and diastolic pressure by 4 points as was evident in the Israel study. Whatever way you slice it, tomatoes will keep strengthen your immune system and lower blood pressure.
The Israeli study was led up by Dr. Esther Paran, head of the hypertension division of Soroka Medical Center. It involved patients who were already being treated for hypertension, but were not responding well to the medications. Dr. Paran had patients take a supplement of tomato extract. The results were a significant drop in blood pressure after just four weeks.
Tomatoes are so effective at lowering blood pressure because they contain lycopene. This potent antioxidant is even the focus of some hybrid tomatoes grown by the Israeli company, Lycomato, in order to have higher concentrations of lycopene in each piece of fruit. Other antioxidants found in tomatoes make this one super-food in the prevention of heart disease. It can even help keep LDL cholesterol from oxidizing which makes it stick to the arteries and narrow the passage way causing blood pressure to increase.
Even during the peak growing season it can be difficult to consume four whole tomatoes each day, which is the recommended amount for having a positive impact on blood pressure. Here are some ways to get the benefits of tomatoes without having to eat them straight off the vine.
1. Make Chili. Using tomato puree, which is a concentrated form of tomatoes, as the base for your chili utilizes the antioxidants without the bulk of a whole tomato. Add some ultra-lean and high protein ground bison and kidney beans with minced garlic and onions, and cayenne pepper and you have a heart-healthy main course and a full day’s allowance of tomato.
2. Since using olive oil with the tomatoes enhances the curative quality, make your pasta sauce red with tomatoes, tomato paste and olive oil to sauté the garlic and onion. Tomato paste used in making sauce contains more than 10 times the nutrients of a single tomato.
3. Have a fresh salad as a side dish to either of these entrees and cut one whole tomato on top. You’ll get one-quarter of you tomato intake right there.
4. Drink tomato juice. It is better to make your own fresh juice so that you can control the sodium. Store bought juices can be high in sugar and sodium-based preservatives. If you have a juicer, you can make some incredible veggie juices to suit your own tastes by adding carrots, celery and some low-sodium seasonings.
5. Take a tomato supplement. If you just can’t stomach tomatoes, then a 200 mg supplement provides the equivalent of more than the recommended four tomatoes.
Adding tomatoes to your diet can reduce systolic blood pressure by 10 points and diastolic pressure by 4 points as was evident in the Israel study. Whatever way you slice it, tomatoes will keep strengthen your immune system and lower blood pressure.
Friday, June 12, 2020
5 Crucial Steps to Buying Wholesale Nutritional Supplements
Whether you own a pharmacy, health store, grocery store, or even if you are a healthcare professional, getting quality nutritional supplements from a dependable wholesaler is not always easy. There are many companies that make big claims for their products while their consumers waste money on supplements that don't work.
That's why it is crucial for you to choose your wholesale distributor carefully. Here are five steps to ensure that you stock your shelves (or online catalog) with quality nutritional supplements at affordable rates.
1. Compare Nutritional Supplements and Check for Quality
Before signing on with a wholesale company, compare their brand names and product quality with others. Ask for referrals. Speaking with other business owners who use their products will give you plenty of information. Ask how their customers liked the products.
To check for quality, ask what ingredients are used in certain popular products including herbal remedies, weight loss supplements, hair supplements, and wellness products. Are there any additives that could weaken the product's affect? Also, ask for detailed information about their laboratory where drugs are produced. What are the regulations for safety, sanitization, and working conditions?
2. Check Availability
Be sure the wholesale distributor offers the items you need and plenty of them. Nutritional supplements come in different forms, such as pills, sprays, lotions, gels, powders, capsules, and lubes. They are available for a variety of purposes: hair growth, weight loss, quitting smoking, improving health, building muscle, and so forth. Many herbal remedies are designed to help someone become a healthy man or woman without the negative side effects often experienced with prescription medicines.
You should be able to buy all the types of nutritional supplements when you need them from your wholesale supplier so your customers won't be forced to go elsewhere.
4. Check Delivery Times
You can't sell a nutritional or herbal supplement that's "out of stock." It's important that your supplier provide a quick turnaround time and fast shipping services so your product will be in your store on time.
5. Check for Customization Possibilities
Be sure your wholesaler allows you to customize your nutritional supplements. Ask if you can order private label supplements and establish your own brand identity. Some companies will even develop new formulas for you!
Once you find a wholesaler that meets these requirements, you're on your way to success in the field of nutritional supplements. Remember, don't only compare prices - compare the quality of the products and services. You'll be able to give your customers the top-quality nutritional supplements they need at affordable rates.
That's why it is crucial for you to choose your wholesale distributor carefully. Here are five steps to ensure that you stock your shelves (or online catalog) with quality nutritional supplements at affordable rates.
1. Compare Nutritional Supplements and Check for Quality
Before signing on with a wholesale company, compare their brand names and product quality with others. Ask for referrals. Speaking with other business owners who use their products will give you plenty of information. Ask how their customers liked the products.
To check for quality, ask what ingredients are used in certain popular products including herbal remedies, weight loss supplements, hair supplements, and wellness products. Are there any additives that could weaken the product's affect? Also, ask for detailed information about their laboratory where drugs are produced. What are the regulations for safety, sanitization, and working conditions?
2. Check Availability
Be sure the wholesale distributor offers the items you need and plenty of them. Nutritional supplements come in different forms, such as pills, sprays, lotions, gels, powders, capsules, and lubes. They are available for a variety of purposes: hair growth, weight loss, quitting smoking, improving health, building muscle, and so forth. Many herbal remedies are designed to help someone become a healthy man or woman without the negative side effects often experienced with prescription medicines.
You should be able to buy all the types of nutritional supplements when you need them from your wholesale supplier so your customers won't be forced to go elsewhere.
4. Check Delivery Times
You can't sell a nutritional or herbal supplement that's "out of stock." It's important that your supplier provide a quick turnaround time and fast shipping services so your product will be in your store on time.
5. Check for Customization Possibilities
Be sure your wholesaler allows you to customize your nutritional supplements. Ask if you can order private label supplements and establish your own brand identity. Some companies will even develop new formulas for you!
Once you find a wholesaler that meets these requirements, you're on your way to success in the field of nutritional supplements. Remember, don't only compare prices - compare the quality of the products and services. You'll be able to give your customers the top-quality nutritional supplements they need at affordable rates.
4 Tips For Smoking Cessation
Tip 1: Rise above the cravings
Imagine the cigarettes as crutches. You’ve always had these crutches to lean on and soon, it becomes impossible to walk without them. The important thing to learn is that as soon as you walk on your feet again, they’ll quickly regain strength. It may be a little known fact, but about half of what a smoker inhales from his cigarette is pure air. The next time you’re hit with a craving, take some deep breaths and relax. You will soon be able to rise above the craving, feel refreshed, and move on.
Tip 2: All the reasons to quit
Why do you want to quit? Do you have children? Do you want to live to see your grandchildren? Are you sick of the smell? Whatever your reasons are, write them down. Keep a daily journal of how you feel and in the very first entry list in bold letters every reason you have for quitting. List things like health reasons, expense, inconvenience, bad breath, or other reasons and make the list as long as possible. Also be sure to list how you WILL feel when you’ve kicked the habit.
Tip 3: The good, the bad and the ugly
After you complete your lists of reasons you want to quit and how you’ll feel after you’ve quit, make a list of the consequences of not quitting. Have other smokers in your family gotten cancer? Have they died? Do they have to speak through a hole in their neck? Will you be unable to pay off debt because you’re always buying cigarettes? Whatever you consequences, be sure to list all of them. As above, be sure to list the consequences (good consequences, of course) of quitting. Keep them to look forward to.
Tip 4: Break time!
Most smokers agree: a cigarette is a break. When quitting, give yourself breaks, but do something. Go for walk, eat a piece of fruit or drink some juice. This is critical because the body will be going through changes expelling all the accumulated poisons. The fruit will aid this process in many ways.
Good luck!
Imagine the cigarettes as crutches. You’ve always had these crutches to lean on and soon, it becomes impossible to walk without them. The important thing to learn is that as soon as you walk on your feet again, they’ll quickly regain strength. It may be a little known fact, but about half of what a smoker inhales from his cigarette is pure air. The next time you’re hit with a craving, take some deep breaths and relax. You will soon be able to rise above the craving, feel refreshed, and move on.
Tip 2: All the reasons to quit
Why do you want to quit? Do you have children? Do you want to live to see your grandchildren? Are you sick of the smell? Whatever your reasons are, write them down. Keep a daily journal of how you feel and in the very first entry list in bold letters every reason you have for quitting. List things like health reasons, expense, inconvenience, bad breath, or other reasons and make the list as long as possible. Also be sure to list how you WILL feel when you’ve kicked the habit.
Tip 3: The good, the bad and the ugly
After you complete your lists of reasons you want to quit and how you’ll feel after you’ve quit, make a list of the consequences of not quitting. Have other smokers in your family gotten cancer? Have they died? Do they have to speak through a hole in their neck? Will you be unable to pay off debt because you’re always buying cigarettes? Whatever you consequences, be sure to list all of them. As above, be sure to list the consequences (good consequences, of course) of quitting. Keep them to look forward to.
Tip 4: Break time!
Most smokers agree: a cigarette is a break. When quitting, give yourself breaks, but do something. Go for walk, eat a piece of fruit or drink some juice. This is critical because the body will be going through changes expelling all the accumulated poisons. The fruit will aid this process in many ways.
Good luck!
4 Steps To Better Health
It's possible to learn HOW to better your health in only 4 steps and this article will show you how. Each step is a bite-sized nugget of healthy living information you can actually use.
Let's get started...
Step 1: Nutritional Supplements
In my opinion, they are very necessary and very beneficial- especially when combined with healthy eating habits. It's very difficult to get all the nutrients your body needs through food alone, but combining proper nutrition with nutritional supplements is very powerful.
That being said, the one supplement everyone should be taking is a good multi vitamin/mineral. Look at it as added insurance- eating well is crucial, but now that you're also taking a multi, you can rest assured you're getting the nutrients your body needs.
Step 2: Nutrition
Good nutrition is SO important. You are what you eat...remember that. Make a conscious effort to gradually improve your eating habits, eating more of the good foods (nuts, berries, peanut butter, olive oil, greens, chicken, whole grains, etc.) and less of the bad foods (fried food, saturated fat, fructose corn syrup, hydrogenated oils, etc.). Reading the label of what you're eating will tell you a lot.
You may think you lack the needed will power, but you'll be amazed at what happens when you start to gradually improve your eating habits.
Step 3: Exercise
Exercise is the missing piece of the puzzle when it comes to better health. There are so many benefits of exercising, including stronger bones and improved libido- it's a no brainer to start doing it. Your goal should be to exercise 3-5 times a week with a combination of cardio exercises and strength training (but no more than 1 hour per workout session).
It's been measured that if you add 3 pounds of muscle to your body, this added muscle will burn as many calories as if you ran 1 mile. Muscle burns calories!
Step 4: Stress Management and Sleep
Stress management and getting good sleep each night round out your path to better health. Until you find a way to manage your stress, it will continue to do damage to your body. Two tips you might want to implement include prioritizing your day each morning and practicing deep breathing exercises (yes, you probably already knew this, but have you tried it?).
Getting enough sleep each night is equally important when you consider your body uses this time to repair itself. You should aim for 7-9 hours each night. Two tips you might want to implement include exercising and avoiding late night eating.
Now that you have the basics, expand on this information. Step 1 research more about Nutritional Supplements, Step 2 research more about Nutrition and so on. I guarantee after the 4 steps you'll feel more confident about reaching your health & fitness goals.
Let's get started...
Step 1: Nutritional Supplements
In my opinion, they are very necessary and very beneficial- especially when combined with healthy eating habits. It's very difficult to get all the nutrients your body needs through food alone, but combining proper nutrition with nutritional supplements is very powerful.
That being said, the one supplement everyone should be taking is a good multi vitamin/mineral. Look at it as added insurance- eating well is crucial, but now that you're also taking a multi, you can rest assured you're getting the nutrients your body needs.
Step 2: Nutrition
Good nutrition is SO important. You are what you eat...remember that. Make a conscious effort to gradually improve your eating habits, eating more of the good foods (nuts, berries, peanut butter, olive oil, greens, chicken, whole grains, etc.) and less of the bad foods (fried food, saturated fat, fructose corn syrup, hydrogenated oils, etc.). Reading the label of what you're eating will tell you a lot.
You may think you lack the needed will power, but you'll be amazed at what happens when you start to gradually improve your eating habits.
Step 3: Exercise
Exercise is the missing piece of the puzzle when it comes to better health. There are so many benefits of exercising, including stronger bones and improved libido- it's a no brainer to start doing it. Your goal should be to exercise 3-5 times a week with a combination of cardio exercises and strength training (but no more than 1 hour per workout session).
It's been measured that if you add 3 pounds of muscle to your body, this added muscle will burn as many calories as if you ran 1 mile. Muscle burns calories!
Step 4: Stress Management and Sleep
Stress management and getting good sleep each night round out your path to better health. Until you find a way to manage your stress, it will continue to do damage to your body. Two tips you might want to implement include prioritizing your day each morning and practicing deep breathing exercises (yes, you probably already knew this, but have you tried it?).
Getting enough sleep each night is equally important when you consider your body uses this time to repair itself. You should aim for 7-9 hours each night. Two tips you might want to implement include exercising and avoiding late night eating.
Now that you have the basics, expand on this information. Step 1 research more about Nutritional Supplements, Step 2 research more about Nutrition and so on. I guarantee after the 4 steps you'll feel more confident about reaching your health & fitness goals.
4 Easy Health and Fitness Tips
The US has seen an enormous increase in the mumber of people considered obese by the medical community. In fact many call it an obesity epidemic. To combat this we find all sorts of pharamceutical companies selling the "quick fix" pills, powders, and lotions that do nothing to actually help people take the fat off and keep it off.
Of course the same could be said of the diet industry as well. There are so many different diets going around now you could pick one a month and in a years time still have more to choose from.
What is truely needed are some sensible proven weight loss tips that people can implement no matter what their present physical condition is. That said let's dive right in.
1) Drink more water. All too often Americans are borderline dehydrated and so their bodies are working on the water starvation reflex and not flushing the toxins and junk out.
2) Eat more often. I bet you thought I was going to say eat less. While it is true that to lose weight you need to eat less calories than you expend...you need to eat more often to get the metabolic furnace stoked up and burning right. Get it out of starvation mode. So start the day off with breakfast. Even an instant breakfast drink and a piece of fruit as we head out the door in the morning.
3) Move more. Depending on your physical condition you need to be moving more. Use the stairs rather than the elevator, park farther out from the office or the store, go for a walk around the block, go dancing, play with your kids. Make it fun. Running is not the only way to burn more calories.
3) Finally, determine your "Why". Decide why you want to discard fat. Make your reason big enough to motivate you through the slumps that invariably happen.
Personally my reason was to be able to live to see my great grandkids graduate college. My youngest kids are 4 and 6 now. Besides I wanted to get out and play with them without being out of breath all the time.
Of course the same could be said of the diet industry as well. There are so many different diets going around now you could pick one a month and in a years time still have more to choose from.
What is truely needed are some sensible proven weight loss tips that people can implement no matter what their present physical condition is. That said let's dive right in.
1) Drink more water. All too often Americans are borderline dehydrated and so their bodies are working on the water starvation reflex and not flushing the toxins and junk out.
2) Eat more often. I bet you thought I was going to say eat less. While it is true that to lose weight you need to eat less calories than you expend...you need to eat more often to get the metabolic furnace stoked up and burning right. Get it out of starvation mode. So start the day off with breakfast. Even an instant breakfast drink and a piece of fruit as we head out the door in the morning.
3) Move more. Depending on your physical condition you need to be moving more. Use the stairs rather than the elevator, park farther out from the office or the store, go for a walk around the block, go dancing, play with your kids. Make it fun. Running is not the only way to burn more calories.
3) Finally, determine your "Why". Decide why you want to discard fat. Make your reason big enough to motivate you through the slumps that invariably happen.
Personally my reason was to be able to live to see my great grandkids graduate college. My youngest kids are 4 and 6 now. Besides I wanted to get out and play with them without being out of breath all the time.
3 Ways To Drink More Water
After a little research it is apparent that nobody really knows where the saying that you need to drink 8 cups of water per day comes from. Some people trace it back to a study in the 1980's, and other people claim that doctors starting telling people that amount because it was a good goal, but didn't have any scientific research to back it up with.
Either way, the point is clear, water does wonders for your body, and your brain. Water is well known to cleanse your body of harmful chemicals through your intestines and also throughout your urine tract. Without proper water intake, our bodies break down very quickly, in a matter of days. Without food, however, some people can live for a week or two. That just shows how important water is to our bodies.
Here are 3 quick tips for taking in more water.
1. Always have water available.
I like to buy the 12 ounce bottles of water and keep them in the fridge. Whenever I go to the gym I grab a bottle. On my way out the door to work, I grab a bottle. Before a trip that will be 30 minutes or longer, I grab a bottle. When I watch a movie, I grab a bottle.
Whenever I am sitting watching TV or a movie, I will keep the bottle in my hand with the lid off. I take a lot of little sips until the bottle is gone. A great way of making sure you drink more water is to make sure it is easily accessible.
2. Keep it cold.
I don't know many people who like to drink room temperature water, I sure don't. If you keep your water cold, you will drink more. I make sure there is always ice in my freezer, this make it very easy to have a cold glass of water anytime.
3. Chose water in restaurants.
Whenever I go out to eat, I always drink water with some lemon. The lemon adds a little spunk to the taste and the water is always nice, cold and refreshing. After a short time you will stop craving your old drink of choice and will begin to appreciate the taste, or lack of taste, that water provides.
Give water a shot and your body will be thankful!
Either way, the point is clear, water does wonders for your body, and your brain. Water is well known to cleanse your body of harmful chemicals through your intestines and also throughout your urine tract. Without proper water intake, our bodies break down very quickly, in a matter of days. Without food, however, some people can live for a week or two. That just shows how important water is to our bodies.
Here are 3 quick tips for taking in more water.
1. Always have water available.
I like to buy the 12 ounce bottles of water and keep them in the fridge. Whenever I go to the gym I grab a bottle. On my way out the door to work, I grab a bottle. Before a trip that will be 30 minutes or longer, I grab a bottle. When I watch a movie, I grab a bottle.
Whenever I am sitting watching TV or a movie, I will keep the bottle in my hand with the lid off. I take a lot of little sips until the bottle is gone. A great way of making sure you drink more water is to make sure it is easily accessible.
2. Keep it cold.
I don't know many people who like to drink room temperature water, I sure don't. If you keep your water cold, you will drink more. I make sure there is always ice in my freezer, this make it very easy to have a cold glass of water anytime.
3. Chose water in restaurants.
Whenever I go out to eat, I always drink water with some lemon. The lemon adds a little spunk to the taste and the water is always nice, cold and refreshing. After a short time you will stop craving your old drink of choice and will begin to appreciate the taste, or lack of taste, that water provides.
Give water a shot and your body will be thankful!
3 Things Crohns & Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Sufferers Must Do
It is said that nearly one in four Americans suffers from some kind of digestive disorder such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Crohns Disease. Although medically recognized as incurable there is no need for sufferers of Crohns and IBS to give up hope. Although the conditions cannot be eradicated, the symptoms and distress can however be controlled. It is often true that what medical science cannot cure, common sense, information and commitment can subdue.
It is a frustration to many, that in many areas, medical advancement has brought breakthrough and hope to many suffering at the hands of illness, but still there are is a silent percentage, waiting in the wings hoping for their time to come.
So how can we loosen the chains of Crohns and IBS?
1. Get Informed.
In today’s world of super fast and open communication there is really no reason why someone should suffer in silence or ignorance for anything. A simple trip to the library will uncover many books and guides outlining possibilities and methods for controlling disorders such as Crohns Disease and Irritable Bowel Syndrome. A quick search on the internet will uncover many opportunities and avenues for discovering exactly what is going on with your body.
2. Get Support.
In the same way, that there is no excuse to being ignorant, there is also no reason to be alone. Some people early on after being diagnosed with Chrons Disease and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) go through a phase of denial – that’s natural – but there also comes a time to pick yourself up and face your disorder head on – but that doesn’t mean alone. There are many national and local support groups established which will help, encourage and motivate you to live life to the full and give ideas about how to
3. Get Control
Although the general principle is something of an illusion (after all, we are all uncontrollable factors in life) – it is absolutely essential for Chrons and IBS sufferers to work towards getting to grips with their disorder so they can start to feel free and live life again. For the majority, its not actually that hard – as long as you have been through the process of Getting Informed and Getting Support. In my experience the only way to get control that lasts and is beneficial is to take the information and support and apply to my own life religiously. With careful monitoring, strict adherence and continual awareness, you to can live the life you deserve.
It is a frustration to many, that in many areas, medical advancement has brought breakthrough and hope to many suffering at the hands of illness, but still there are is a silent percentage, waiting in the wings hoping for their time to come.
So how can we loosen the chains of Crohns and IBS?
1. Get Informed.
In today’s world of super fast and open communication there is really no reason why someone should suffer in silence or ignorance for anything. A simple trip to the library will uncover many books and guides outlining possibilities and methods for controlling disorders such as Crohns Disease and Irritable Bowel Syndrome. A quick search on the internet will uncover many opportunities and avenues for discovering exactly what is going on with your body.
2. Get Support.
In the same way, that there is no excuse to being ignorant, there is also no reason to be alone. Some people early on after being diagnosed with Chrons Disease and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) go through a phase of denial – that’s natural – but there also comes a time to pick yourself up and face your disorder head on – but that doesn’t mean alone. There are many national and local support groups established which will help, encourage and motivate you to live life to the full and give ideas about how to
3. Get Control
Although the general principle is something of an illusion (after all, we are all uncontrollable factors in life) – it is absolutely essential for Chrons and IBS sufferers to work towards getting to grips with their disorder so they can start to feel free and live life again. For the majority, its not actually that hard – as long as you have been through the process of Getting Informed and Getting Support. In my experience the only way to get control that lasts and is beneficial is to take the information and support and apply to my own life religiously. With careful monitoring, strict adherence and continual awareness, you to can live the life you deserve.
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